v (1)做,制(建,创)造(create or bring into existence by putting parts together or modifying materials)[T+n,T+n+prep(from/of/out of),D+n+n,D+n+prep(for)]:~a toy/a gun/a car 制造玩具/枪支/汽车;~a hat/a road/a park/a cake做帽子/修筑公路/修建公园/制作蛋糕;~bread/wine/paper烤面包/酿酒/造纸;God made man,the heaven and the earth.上帝创造了人类、天和地。Butter is made from milk.黄油是用牛奶制作的。This wine is made from grapes.这酒是用葡萄酿制的。The rugs are made of scraps. 地毯是用小块拼起来的。 The houses are made of bricks. 房子是用砖盖的。~an airplane out of a piece of paper/a table cloth out of nylon/petroleum out of coal用一张纸叠成飞机/尼龙布做成台布/从煤中提炼石油;The lady made me a drink/herself a pot of tea. 这位女士给我倒了一杯饮料/给她自己沏了一壶茶。The maid made coffee for all of us.女佣为我们大家煮了咖啡。〖同〗manufacture,produce;〖反〗destroy,ruin;
(2)(把……)制(变)成(put(parts of materials) together to produce sth or change sth)[T+n+prep(into)尤pass]:Glass is made into bottles. 玻璃做成瓶子。The place is made into a summer resort. 这个地方建成了避暑胜地。Our kitchen is made into a dining-room. 我们的厨房改建成了餐厅。
(3)制定(establish or create sth)[T+n]:~rules/regulations制定规章/条例;Laws are made to be obeyed.制定法律,就要遵守。〖同〗establish,enact;〖反〗abolish,cancel;
(4)写(创)作(write;compose)[T+n]:~music作曲;~a will/a treaty/a sonnet/an epigram/a book立遗嘱/定条约/写一首十四行诗/写讽刺短诗/编撰一本书;~deeds/verses 写契约/作诗;〖同〗write,compose;
(5)整理,安排,准备(prepare for use;arrange)[T+n]:~a fire/a meal/a camp生火/做饭/扎营;~the bed (睡前或起床后)整理床铺;〖同〗arrange,prepare;
(6)引起,产生(cause;bring about)[T+n]:~trouble/mischief/peace/war找麻烦/挑拨离间/讲和/交战;~a mistake/a noise/a mess/a disturbance犯错误/弄出声响/搞乱/闹事;He has made a muddle of the job. 他把工作搞得一团糟。〖同〗produce,cause;〖反〗end,abolish,terminate;
(7)使出现,形成(cause sth to appear by striking or removing materials)[T+n,T+n+prep(by)]:The dog made a big hole in the garden. 狗在花园里挖了一个大洞。The stone made a dent in the roof of my car.石块把我汽车的顶棚砸了一个坑。The moths made many holes in the material.虫子把布料咬了许多洞。
(8)使成为(变成)(cause to be or become)[C+n+adj]:The meal made her ill. 吃了那顿饭后她就病了。The mud made walking difficult. 泥泞的路行走困难。The story made things worse. 报道使情况更加复杂。I made it clear that I disapprove of the decision.我明确表示不同意此项决定。The news will be made public.这消息会公开的。~the scene real把场面搞得逼真;~oneself comfortable请随意(客套用语);~one's voice heard/oneself understood/sb respected 使自己的声音能被人听得见/自己被人理解/某人受尊敬;
(9)任命(选举)为(appoint,name or elect(sb)to a particular position)[C+n+n]:~sb director/chairman/bishop/special envoy任命某人为经理/主席/主教/特使;Queen Elizabeth made him a baronet/a peer/a knight.伊丽莎白女王封他为准男爵/有爵位的贵族/爵士。He was made captain of the team.他被任命为队长。〖同〗appoint,elect;
(10)(促)使(做某事)(cause sb/sth to do sth)[C+n+inf]:What~s you ask that/the world go round/the little girl tremble so?是什么使你问起那事/世界运转/小姑娘这样发抖? A sudden noise made the thief jump. 突然一声响使盗贼吓了一跳。His appearance made his girl friend laugh. 他的样子使女友发笑。The smoke made my eyes ache. 烟雾使我的眼睛痛。How do I~the radio work? 我怎样才能使收音机响起来? Modesty~s one progress whereas conceit~s one lag behind.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
(11)迫使(compel or force sb to do sth)[C+n+inf]:M~him go with you.让他和你一起走。M~the man return the money.让这男人还钱。M~her leave the room. 让她离开房间。They made him pay for the damage she had done (He was made to pay for the damage she had done.)他们迫使他偿付她所造成的损失。
(12)使显得(看起来像)(cause to seem or assume)[C+n+n,C+n+adj,C+n+to-inf]:The portrait~s him an old man.这张肖像使他看起来像一位老人。The photograph~s me very young. 这照片显得我很年轻。The beard~s her husband quite distinguished.蓄着胡子使她的丈夫很气派。The photo~s my nose look big.在这张照片上,我的鼻子显得大。
(13)使形成(成为),把……培养成(cause sb/sth to be or become sth)[T+n+prep(of),C+n+n]:The father wants to~a doctor/a footballer/a teacher of his son.父亲想把他的儿子培养成医生/足球运动员/教师。~a night (a thorough job/a habit) of it 痛痛快快地玩一晚上(把工作干得彻底一些/养成一个好习惯);He~s it a rule to take part into physical labor.他把参加体力劳动定为惯例。
(14)用(当)作(serve or function as)[L+n]:Oak~s strong furniture. 橡木可做很好的家具。This piece of cloth~s a skirt. 这块料子够做一条裙子。This box will~a useful container. 这个箱子可用来装东西。The barrel will~a good seat. 大桶可当坐具。Do hardback editions~good gifts? 精装书可以当精美礼物赠送吗? This book~s good reading.这书是本好读物。His adventure~s an interesting story. 他的冒险经历可写成一个精彩的故事。This film~s a splendid evening's entertainment 这部影片可作为晚上很好的娱乐节目。That~s a good answer. 那个答案好。
(15)发展成(be capable of growing or developing into)[L+n]:He will~a good lawyer/an executive secretary/a fine leader/an excellent physicist.他会成为一名好律师/执行秘书/优秀领导/杰出的物理学家。She will~him a good wife. 她会成为他的好妻子。
(16)合(总)计为,等于(equal;add up to;amount to)[L+n]:2 and 2/Two plus two/Twice two~s four.2加2/2加2/2乘以2等于4。2 pints~s a quart. 两品脱等于一夸脱。Two halves~s a whole . 两部分构成一个整体。A hundred centimetres~s a metre. 100厘米等于一米。
(17)看(算)作,成为……的一份(count as;constitute)[L+n]:This~s her fifth novel/the third time he has tried/the second time that you've been late.这是她写的第五部小说/他第三次试做/你第二次迟到。~a fourth at bridge打桥牌四缺一时算一个;
(18)赚(挣,取)得(gain,get by earning)[T+n]:~a good living/a considerable fortune/a lot of money/a good salary/a decent wage/a profit of 3 percent过充裕的生活/发一大笔财/赚一大笔钱/挣得高薪/挣一份体面的工资/获3%的利润;He's~ing $45 a week.他每周挣45美元。This picture~s a good price.这幅画能卖个好价钱。How much do you~every month? 你每月挣多少钱?
(19)估计(算),推测,猜想(estimate to be;calculate)[无pass C+n+adj,C+n+n,C+n+to-inf]:It~s the total (to be) over $100. 估计总数在100美元以上。What do you~the time (What time do you~it)? 你看现在几点了?~the distance (about) 500 miles/it 30 miles (to the border from here) 估计(大约)有500英里路/(从这里到边界)有30英里路;How large do you~the congregation? 你看集会上的人有多少? What size do you~the room? 你看房间面积有多大? The boy is not the fool as some~him.这个男孩并非像某些人所认为的那样愚蠢。~the house to be about 100 years old 推测这所房子大约有100年的历史;
(20)赶上,及时到达(catch,succeed in reaching and boarding;arrive in time)[T+n]:~the train/the plane 赶上火车/飞机;~a meeting at 10 am赶上开上午10点的会议;You can~the next flight.你能赶上下次班机。She made (it to) the station just in time.她及时赶到了车站。〖同〗catch;
(21)到(抵)达;达到 (arrive at or reach (a place or a certain state))[T+n 无 pass)]:The ship made the port.船驶抵港口。~the city in four hours/the party at last/the airfield with one motor failing四小时后赶到市内/终于赶上聚会/在一台发动机失灵的情况下飞回机场;~the town by down/sunset/tonight黎明时/日落前/今晚抵达镇上;The train is leaving;we can't~it. 列车要开了,我们赶不上了。The novel will~the bestseller list. 这部小说会跻身畅销书之列。The story will~headlines. 这个故事将登在头版。The news will~the front page. 这条消息将成为头条新闻。The soldier will~corporal after a few months.这个士兵在几个月后将获得下士军衔。The actress will~all-American team three years in a row.这位女演员将连续三年被选为全美明星之一。
(22)1)达到(保持)一速度(reach or maintain(a certain speed))[I+n 无pass]:Can a horse~30 kilometres per hour? 马一小时能跑30公里吗?The car is~ing 100 miles an hour.这辆汽车正以每小时100英里的速度行驶。The airplane is~ing more than 1500 miles an hour. 这架飞机正以每小时1500英里以上的速度飞行。~a long detour绕了好长的路;2)行满,走完(距离,里程)(go or travel over a distance)[T+n无 pass]:I've made 5 miles this morning.今天上午我走了五英里。The man made a few more yards before he fell to the ground.这个人又走了几码便倒在了地上。
(23)使(确保)成功(assure the success or fortune of)[T+n]:His acting made the film. 他的表演使该片轰动一时。Her singing made the show. 她的演唱使演出成功。The scenery made the movie.该景色使影片更加完美。The night made the soldier. 那一夜使这个战士一举成功。The novel made a young writer. 这本书使年轻作家一举成名。The weather~s a day's journey. 天气使当天的旅行得以成行。Clothes~the man.人靠衣服。
(24)吃(饭)(eat or have(a meal))[T+n]:~one's breakfast on bread/lunch on soup and a sandwich早饭吃的面包/午饭吃的汤和三明治。~a hasty supper/a good lunch匆匆吃晚饭/好好吃午饭;
(25)提出(供)(put sth forward)[T+n,D+n+n]:~a suggestion/a proposal提出建议/提议;~sb an offer/an apology/a present/a request向某人开价/道歉/送礼物/提要求;~a bid of $50 for a painting 出价50美元买一幅油画;
(26)做出仿佛要做某事的样子(behave as if one is about to do sth or appear to begin an action)[I+to-inf]:~as if to hit sb/throw the ball/leave the room/stand up做出好像要打某人/要投球/要离开房间/要站起来的样子;He made as though to hand it to me.他好像是要把它递给我。
(27)(与动作名词构成短语,语义常等于该名词的同义动词):~an answer/a journey/a mistake/a promise/an agreement/an application/an attempt/an appointment/a guess/a decision,etc(=answer/journey/mistake/promise/agree/apply/attempt/appoint/guess/decide,etc)作答/旅行/出错/承诺/同意/申请/试图/任命/猜测/决定;We shall~an early start.我们应早出发。
(28)得分 (score in a game esp cricket) [T+n]:~12 runs in the cricket match 在板球赛中得12分;~a home run (棒球)得本垒打分;
(29)洗牌(shuffle the cards)[T+n,I]:M~the pack,please.请洗牌。Is it your turn to~? 该你洗牌吗?
(30)赢(一墩牌)(win(a trick)with specified card)[T+n]:~one's Queen of hearts打出红桃Q赢了一墩;~two spades 赢两墩黑桃;
make (sth)do 凑合(勉强)用:The radio isn't what we wanted,but we must~do.这台收音机不理想,不过我们得凑合用。
make do with(sth)凑合(将就)吃(用)……:have to~do with potatoes/cheap lodgings/the old coats this winter只好吃土豆/住廉价客房/今冬穿这几件旧外套凑合;
make do on 靠……维持生活:I can't~do on my salary.我靠自己的薪水维持不了生活。
make (sth) good 1)发迹,事业有成:He has talent and he'll~good.他有才,会有出息的。2)实现,履行:~good one's plans/promise/boast/vow实现某人的计划/承诺/夸口/誓言;He made good his escape.他成功逃脱。3)赔偿,弥补:This year's profits will~good last year's losses.今年的利润将弥补去年的损失。
make it 成功(infml):They will never~it across the desert.他们决不会成功穿越沙漠。
make the most of 充分(尽量)获取:You'll only get one chance,so you'd better~the most of it. 你仅有一次机会,最好充分利用。
make much of 1)大肆渲染,强调:The boy made much of the hard things of his mountain climb.男孩重点讲述了他爬山时的艰辛经历。2)(充分)理解(用于neg和inter):I couldn't~much of his lecture/his speech.他的课/话我听不懂。
make nothing of不当一回事:These experienced climbers~nothing of the difficulties of an ordinary climb. 有经验的登山队员攀登一般难度的山峰不当一回事。
make sth of sb/sth理解:What do you~of all this/his last letter/her behavior/these strange marks? 你怎样理解这一切/他最近的来信/她的行为/这些奇怪的符号?
make or break 成败,兴衰:The competition will either~her or break her.这次比赛使她要么一举成功,要么一败涂地。
make after (v prep)追赶(捕)(vt):The policeman made after the jewel thieves.警察追捕盗珠宝的贼。
make at (v prep)朝……袭击(打),扑向(vt):The prisoner made at the guard with a knife.囚犯拿着刀朝狱警扑来。
make away with (v adv prep) 1)自杀(vt):She tried to~away with herself by drinking poison.她试图服毒自杀。2)携带赃款逃出(vt):The cashier made away with the company's funds. 出纳员携带公司的资金逃跑了。
make for (v prep) 1)(尤指匆匆)走向,朝……前进(vt无pass):After the film the audience made for the nearest door.电影演完了,观众拥向离自己最近的出口。2)有助于,导致(vt 无pass):Conduct of that kind does not~for good relations between employers and employees.那样做无助于劳资双方的良好关系。
make off (v adv)逃掉(走,窜)(vi)(infml):When the deer saw the hunter,it made off at once.鹿一见到猎人,便逃之夭夭。
make off with (v adv prep) 携赃物逃跑 (vt)(infml):The thieves made off with the jewels. 窃贼带着珠宝溜掉了。
make one's way 前往(某处),去:~one's way through the crowd/along the street/up the stairs/towards the river/to the public library穿过人群向前/沿大街/向台阶/朝小河/往图书馆走去;
make out (v adv) 1)进展,生活(的情况)(vi)(infml)(与how连用):How are you~ing out these days? 你这些日子生活得还好吧? 2)理解,明白(vt):Can you~out what he is saying/why he isn't here/his ideas? 你明白他说的是什么意思/为什么他没到场/他的想法吗? 3)看清楚,认(出),辩识:I could just~out the figure/the handwriting/the signature/the expression(on the face)/the ship(in the distance)/who was coming along the road/what the child had drawn.我刚好能看清那人/字迹/签字/(脸上的)表情/(远处的)船只/沿路走来的人/孩子画的是什么。4)假装,装出(vt):Let's~out that we are wrecked on a desert island.假设我们的船失事了,漂流到荒岛上。He made out to be ill.他装病。5)把……说成是,声称(vt):He's not the fool you made him out to be.他不像你说的那样是个傻瓜。He made out that his car had been stolen.他坚持说汽车被盗了。
make over (v adv) 1)改造(变)(vt):Human nature can't be made over easily.人的本性不易改变。2)移交,(转让)财产(vt):The house was made over to the eldest son.这幢房屋已经移交给了大儿子。3)翻新,改建(vt): The garage has been made over into a playroom. 车库改成了娱乐室。The basement has been made over into a workshop. 地下室改成了工作间。
make up (v adv) 1)虚构,创造(vt):~up stories/excuses/poems/words 虚构故事/编造借口/编写诗句/编造谎言; 2)弥补,补充(足):~up the time/sleep/hour one lost弥补失去的时间/睡眠/时间;~up a loss 弥补损失; 3)准备,安排(vt):have a bed/a cot/a comp bed made up in the spare room 让人在空房内把床铺/童床/折叠床安置好; 4)化装(vt & vi):The actors were~ing up.演员在化装。He made himself up as a clown.他把自己化装成一个丑角。5)铺路(面)等(vt 尤pass):The road/street should be made up next year.公路/街道明年应重新铺设路面。6)缝(裁)制,做成(vt):~up an apron/a suit做围裙/一套衣服;This length of cloth should be made up into three pairs of trousers.这块料子应做成三条裤子。7)配制药品,处方(vt):~up a prescription开药方;My father used to~up his own medicines. 我父亲过去总是自己配药。 8)组(构)成(vt): Ten chapters~up a volume. 一卷书有10章。The foreign students~up most of the class. 外籍学员在班里占大多数。Nine players~up a team.九个人组成一个球队。Different qualities~up a person's character.各种不同的特性构成一个人的性格。The car is made up of many different parts.汽车是由许多不同部件组装的。9)包装(扎)(vt):~up a packet of sandwich/a bundle of old clothes/a basket of food包一包三明治/一包旧衣服/一篮食品;10)加大(vt & vi):The fire needs~ing up every hour.炉火每小时加旺一次。We have to~the fire up.我们得把火烧旺。11)言归于好,和解(vt & vi):She has made her quarrel up with me.她和我言归于好。Did he~up to you? 他与你和好了吗?
make up for(v adv prep) 1)弥补,补偿(vt):The beautiful view at the top of the mountain~s up for the hard climb to get there.山顶的美丽景色足以补偿登山时所付出的艰辛。2)弥补时间(vt):Mary had to~up for the lessons she missed in school when she was sick. 玛丽得补上她生病时缺的课。
make up to(v adv prep)讨好,奉承(vt)(infml):He's always~ing up to the teacher by bringing her presents.他常给老师带礼物,讨好老师。
make it up to 回报(报答),向……补偿:I'm sorry,I can't take you to Athens but I'll~it up to you soon.对不起,我现在不能带你去雅典。不过用不了多久我会让你如愿以偿。
make with(v prep)迅速拿(弄)来(vt)(AmE,sl):“M~with the food.We're starv-ing.”“弄点吃的来。我们都饿了。”
→′make-believe n 假装,想象;想象之物;′make-up n 化妆品;′maker n 造物主,上帝;′makeshift n & adj(临时的)代用品;′makeweight n (磅秤上)补足重量的东西,不重要的人物