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单词 堂而皇之

堂而皇之táng ér huáng zhī

in a dignified bearing;with a flourish; without any fuss
❍ 刚刚在那里很乐观地想到怎样展开阵线向那八个厂~进攻,突然他那铁青的脸前又现出了那八个厂二千多工人的决死的抵抗和反攻,…… (茅盾《子夜》364) And just as he was cheerfully deciding how to dispose his forces for a resounding attack on the eight factories,he suddenly found himself faced with the prospect of the two thousand-odd workers rising up in a desperate counter attack…/这种行为与盗贼没有两样,而比盗贼更凶;盗贼发掘坟墓是偷偷地做的,现在学校里竟~地做。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》 153) There was no difference between such conduct and plundering; indeed,it was more shocking than plundering,for when grave robbers opened a grave they did it by stealth,whereas the school was now doing it with a flourish.
❍ 这不要紧,公开以后自然会~大批地运来,那时候看不迟。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》367)It doesn’t matter,because of course once we come out into the open we can have large quantities brought down without any fuss,and I don’t think it’ll be too late to read them then.

堂而皇之tang er huang zhi

❷in a grand style or way





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