释义 |
坚韧不拔坚忍不拔jiān rèn bù báfirm and indomitable; fortitudinous; intrepid; persistent and dauntless; staunch and unflinching; stick-to-itive ness; unyielding; with dogged determination; with tenacity ❍ 回忆周总理在这段工作时期的战斗历程,他的崇高的思想品质,~的革命精神和谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗、以身作则、诲人不倦的领导作风,都是令人终生难忘的。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—62) When we think of his militant years during this period,we will remember forever his noble character,his firm revolutionary spirit and his style of leadership characterized by modesty,prudence,plain living,hard struggle,exemplary conduct and his patience and seriousness as a teacher. ❍ 几个月的林雪生活,既锻炼了他们的机智英勇,又锻炼了他们~的毅力,这两个山林通是不会空回的。(曲波《林海雪原》558) Several months in the snowy forest have forged their clev erness and courage and given them an inflexible will.Those mountain veterans won’t come back empty handed. ❍ 又写了孙达得~的意志,和吃苦耐劳的精神。(曲波《林海雪原》339) He wrote of the iron will of Longlegs Dade and of the scout’s stubborn endurance. 坚韧不拔firm and unflinching;persistent and dauntless;staunch ~的革命精神indomitable revolutionary spirit 坚韧不拔jiān rèn bù bá韧:柔软而结实;拔:移动、改变。比喻意志非常坚强,毫不动摇。firm and indomitable, with plenty of guts, staunch and unyielding, presistent and dauntless |