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单词 一登龙门,身价十倍

一登龙门,身价十倍yī dēng lóng mén , shēn jià shí bèi

once a fish climbs past the Dragon Gate,its value increases tenfold—having entered the house of a nobleman his fame is ten times greater; rocket into fame after one’s literary (/artistic) work will win the praise of a master
❍ 象当时乡间学者想要成名,他们必须去找名士,这在晋朝,就得去拜访王导、谢安一流人物,正所谓“一登龙门,则身价十倍”。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》279) If country scholars in those days wanted to become famous,they had to pay court to prominent men. In the Jin dynasty they had to make up to statesmen like Wang Dao and Xie An. This is why the poet Li Bai said:“Once a fish climbs past the Dragon Gate,its value increases tenfold.”





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