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单词 坐卧不宁

坐卧不宁坐卧不安zuò wò bù níng

be hardlyable to have a moment’s rest; be on tenterhooks; be unable to sit down or sleep at ease; be very fidgety;feel restless
❍ 各事冗杂,亦难尽述,因此忙的凤姐茶饭无心,~。(《红楼梦》161)❶As the day of the funeralapproached,a thousand and one affairs kept Xifeng so busy that she had no time to eat and was hardly able to have a moment’s rest.
❷As a consequence she was far too busy to pay much attention to eating and drinking and could hardly sit or lie down for amoment in peace.
❍ 急转直下的战局,使许多党政要人坐卧不安。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》510) The militarysituation was rapidly deteriorating and many important officials were becoming very fidgety.
❍ 却说张飞在帐中,神思昏乱,动作恍惚,乃问部将曰:“吾今心惊肉颤,坐卧不安,此何意也?”(《三国演义》693) ZhangFei was greatly disturbed in his mind and restless. He told some of his subordinates that he was nervous and felt creepy and shivery and could not rest. What did itmean?/他水饭未咽,坐卧不安,…… (冯志《敌后武工队》315) The sergeant had no appetite for his meals;he could not sit still.
❍ 匪首们这几天可是坐卧不安,频频地核计着他们今后的命运,纷纷争吵着他们将来的出路,耽心着他们的生死存亡。(曲波《林海雪原》482) But thebandit leaders could neither sit nor sleep at ease.They kept calculating their fate and quarrelling over what to do,worried whether they would live or die.

坐卧不宁宁(安)zuò wò bù nínɡ

形容心情烦燥焦虑。feel restless, be on tenterhooks, be on pins and needles, be nervous





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