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单词 坐享其成

坐享其成zuò xiǎng qí chéng

gain results withoutworking; have victory falling into one’s lap; profit from work done by others; reap the spoils (/fruits)of victory without having made any effort; reap where one has not sown; sit idle and enjoy the fruitsof other’s work
❍ 三年来,又有人以为太平洋战争既起,美英若不是很快地打败日寇,便是大力来援助中国,如此,中国便可~。(《周恩来选集》上—135) In the past threeyears,other people have thought that with the outbreak of the Pacific war,if the United States and Britain could not defeat the Japanese agressors very quickly,they would try hard to help China,and China would reap the benefit without lifting a finger.


sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others’work;feed on the fruits of others’labor;reap where one has not sown

坐享其成zuò xiǎnɡ qí chénɡ

形容自己不出力而能享受到别人努力的成果。reap where one has not sown, have victory falling into one’s lap





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