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单词 luck
luck/lʌk/ n

(1)机遇,运气(chance;fortune good or bad)[U]:bring good/bad~to sb 给某人带来好/坏运气;deserve good~该碰上好运;try one's~at the gambling table 在赌桌上碰运气;trust to~听天由命;have bad/hard/poor/tough~运气不好(倒霉);I'm in ill/rotten~today. 我今天真倒霉。With good~I might succeed. 运气好我就能成功。We had the bad~to get caught in the rain. 我们淋了雨,真倒霉。It's a matter of~whether we are successful. 我们是否成功全凭运气。It was bad~that he broke his leg. 他真倒霉,把腿摔断了。〖同〗fate;

(2)好运气(good fortune)[U]:have no~不走运;She has all the~!她真走运!He said~was coming.他说马上要交好运了。L~goes against him. 他不走运。It was~that saved her life. 是好运气救了她的命。The~has turned in our favour. 我们时来运转了。a piece/a stroke of~一件幸运的事/一次好运;Did you have any~in finding a job? 你找工作顺利吗? It was pure~to find/finding him. 找到他完全是侥幸。It was sheer~that we met. 我们相遇纯粹是侥幸。He has at last come to~. 他终于交上了好运。I left everything to~and~was on my side. 我干什么都凭运气,而我总是交好运。

as luck would have it 碰(不)巧:As~would have it,a doctor happened to be there when she fainted. 她晕倒时幸好旁边有位医生。As~would have it,I was out when he called. 不巧得很,他来访时我正好外出了。

down on one's luck 运气不佳,处境困难:He has been down on his~lately. 他近来运气不佳。

for luck 为了图吉利:I'll take just a glass for~. 为了图吉利我就喝一杯。

in luck 幸运:Bill was in~when he found the money in the street. 比尔真幸运,他在街上找到了丢失的钱。

just one's luck 总是这样倒霉:I went all the way to see them but they were out. Just my~!我跑那么远的路去看他们,可他们不在家。我总是这么倒霉!

out of luck 运气不佳,倒霉:When we at last reached the railway station we were out of~. The train had gone. 真倒霉,当我们终于到达车站的时候,火车已经开走了。

press/push one' luck 在有利的形势下不继续冒险:If you're lucky at first,don't push your~. 如果你一开始的时候走运就不要再冒险了。

→′luckless adj 不幸的;′lucky adj 幸运的;′luckily adv 幸运地,幸好;






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