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单词 meet
释义 meet /mut; mit/ vt, vi (pt, pp, met) /met; met/ 1 [VP6A, 2A, C] come face to face with (sb or sth coming from the opposite or a different direction); come together from different points or directions: 遇见; 碰见; 相逢: ~ sb in the street. 在街上遇见某人。汗 met (each other) quite by chance. 放们的相遇十分偶然。 Goodbye till we ~ again. 珍重再见(道别时的用语)。 The two trains ~ (=pass each other) at Crewe. 那二辆火车在克鲁地方相遇(即在该地错车)。 e write regularly but seldom see each other. 我们经常通信但却很少见,面。 Can you ~ (-face) misfortune with a smile? 你能面对不幸的遭遇而一笑置之吗? The Debating Society ~s every Friday at 8 pm. 辩论会每星饲五下午八时开会。 ~ with, a experience: 遭遇; 受到: ~ with misfortune/an accident/great kindness. 遭遇不幸(遇到意外; 受到优遇)。 b come upon by chance: 偶遇; 碰到: ~ yvith obstacles; 碰到阻碍; ~ with an old friend at a dinner party. 在一个宴会上偶然遇到一位老友。 c (US) have a meeting with. (U)和…会面。 2 [VP6A, 2A] make the acquaintance of; be introduced to: 结艺被介绍: I know Mrs Hill by sight, but have never met her/we've never met. 我跟希尔夫人只是面熟, 但并不认识她(从来没人给我们介绍过)。 (As a form of introduction) (作为一种介绍用语) M~ my wife. 这是内子。 Pleased to ~ you. 高兴见到您; 久仰久仰。 3 [VP6A] go to a place and await the arrival of: 迎接: Will you ~ me at the station? 你要, 到车站接我吗? I'll ~ your train. 我要到火车盘接'你。 The hotel bus ~s all the trains. 旅馆的汽车在火车站迎接各班车的旅客。 4 [VP6A] satisfy (a demand, etc): 应付; 满足(要求夺): ~ sb's wishes, do what he wants. 满足某人的愿望。 Can you ~ their objections/criticisms, answer them in a satisfactory way? 你能圆满答复他们的抗议(批评)吗? ~ the case, be adequate, satisfactory: 适当; 令人满意: I'm afraid your proposal hardly ~s the case. 我恐怕你的提议不大合适。 ~ sb halfway, (fig) compromise; give way to some extent in order to satisfy him. (喻)与人妥协; 迁就某人。 ~ a expenses/bills, etc, pay them. 付全部费用(帐单等)。 5 [VP6A, 2A] come into contact; touch: 接触: Their hands met. 他们的手相触。 His hand met hers. M 的手碰到她的手。 My waistcoat won't ~, is too small to be buttoned. 我的背心太小了,扣次上。 make (both) ends make, one's income and one's expenditure equal. 使收支相抵; 量入为出。 6 ~ the eye/ear, bt visible/ audible, 看得见(听得到) 6 There is more to/in sth/sb than ~s the eye. it/he has qualities, characteristics, etc that are not immediately seen. (喻)某事物(某人)的特性、特质等不是一眼看得出的。 ~ sb's eye, look in his eyes: 与某人目光相接: She was afraid to ~ my eye. 她怕与我目光相接。




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