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❶ (圆形的) round; circular; spherical: ~ 锯 circular raw; ~ 孔 a round hole; 月 ~ 了。 The moon is full.
❷ (圆满; 周全) tactful; satisfactory: 他这话说得不 ~。 What he said was not very tactful. Ⅱ ❶ {数} (圆周) circle: 半 ~ semicircle; 内切 ~ inscribed circle
❷ (圆形的货币) a coin of fixed value and weight: 铜 ~ copper coin; 银 ~ silver dollar
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 韫 Yuan Yun Ⅲ (使圆满; 使周全) make plausible; justify: ~ 谎 patch up a lie; 自 ~ 其说 make one's statement consistent; justify oneself Ⅳ (中国的本位货币单位) yuan, the monetary unit of China, equal to 10 jiao or 100 fen
◆圆白菜 cabbage; 圆边 round edge; round rim; 圆波导 circular waveguide; circular guide; 圆材 {林} roundwood; log; round timber; spar; 圆场 mediate; help to effect a compromise; 圆成 help sb. to attain his aim; 圆齿 crenation; knuckle-tooth; 圆唇元音 {语} round vowel; 圆底 round bottom; 圆点 round dot; circle dot; 圆雕 circular engravure; 圆顶 onion dome; {房} calotte; {植} dome; cupola; 圆度 {地质} roundness; circular degree; 圆房 [旧] consummate; 圆钢 {冶} round bar steel; steel rod; 圆规 pencil compass; compasses; 圆号 {音} French horn; horn; 圆弧 {数} arc; {纺} circle; circular arc; 圆滑 smooth and evasive; slick and sly; be as slippery as an eel;sophisticated;tactful; 圆环 ring; {数} annulus; lessing ring; circular ring; toroid; torus; 圆谎 straighten out contradictions in a lie and make it plausible; 圆浑 [书] sweet and mellow; profound and natural; 圆极化 circular polarization (CP); 圆角 fillet; wane; circular bead; filleted corner; 圆锯 buzz-saw; circular saw; annular saw; rim saw; ring saw; 圆口 round mouth; 圆领口 Jewel neck; 圆满 satisfactory; perfect; 圆梦 interpret dream; 圆木 lumber; round log; log; 圆盘 disk; disc; platform; roundel; roundle; phalera; circular disc; 圆盘式 disc type; dial type; 圆片 disk; disc; wafer; planchet; 圆球 a ball; a globe; 圆圈 circle; ring; round; 圆润 mellow and full; 圆扫描[掠] circular scan; circular scanning; circular sweep; 圆鲹 mackerel scad; mackerel shan; permit; 圆熟 skillful; proficient; dexterous; 圆筒 cylinder; barrel; drum; 圆筒形 cylinder; cylinder-shaped; cylindrical; 圆头 ball peen (锤的); fillister head (螺栓,螺钉); trochocephalia (畸形); pommel; 圆网 {纸} mould; 圆屋 thole; tholus; 圆舞曲 {音} waltz; 圆心 the centre of a circle; 圆型 circular type; 圆形 circular; round; 圆叶 roundleaf; 圆周 circle; periphery; circumference; 圆珠 ball; ballpoint; 圆柱 circular column; cylinder; 圆柱体 cylinder; 圆柱形 cylindrical; cylinder; cylinder-shaped; 圆锥 circular cone; cone; taper; conus; 圆桌 round table; 圆桌会议 a round-table conference; 圆子 dumpling; [方] ball; 圆坐标 circle coordinates






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