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单词 图谋不轨

图谋不轨tú móu bù guǐ

conspire (/plot) against the government; engage in illegal activities; hatch sinister plots; plot sth unlawful
❍ 底下的无非是这一伙暴徒,要~; ……(杨沫《青春之歌》62) What follows will be nothing but the charge that a pack of hooligans are conspiring against the government,…/你们给我们来的公函,说我们要~,对我们要加以制裁。(杨沫《青春之歌》63) You sent us an official letter,charging us with plotting against the government and threatening to resort to punitive measures./…什么祖制如此咧,这些人当差多年不致~咧,等等,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》151) …my ancestors had always had eunuchs; after all their years of service they could not plan any treachery; and so on.
❍ 非~而何?我想,诚然。可恶得很! (鲁迅《华盖集》32) If this was not treason,what was? I thought: True,this is outrageous!

图谋不轨tú móu bù ɡuǐ

谋划做违法乱纪的事。hatch a sinister plot, plot sth. unlawful, engage in conspiratorial activities, scherne sedition





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