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单词 long
long1/lɒŋ, AmE lɔ:ŋ/ adj & adv [-er/ɡǝ/, -est/ɡɪst/]; n

adj (1)长的(measuring a great or specified distance from one end to the other):go on a~journey 长途旅行;a~rope/road/river 一根长绳/一条长长的路/一条大河;~legs/arms/hair 长腿/臂/发;These trousers are not~enough for me. 这条裤子我穿不够长。The room is five metres~.这个房间长五米。How~is the Great Wall of China?长城有多长?~johns 长内衣裤;a~jump 跳远; ~wave 长波;〖反〗short;
 (2)时间长的(having or using a great or specified period of time):a~conversation/discussion/speech 长时间的交谈/讨论/演讲;wait for a~time 等很长的时间;There was a~delay before the plane took off.飞机起飞前耽搁了很长时间。How~is the summer vacation?It's seven weeks~. 暑假有多长?有七个星期长。The film is two hours~. 这部电影两小时长。〖反〗short;
 (3)感觉漫长的(seeming or feeling to measure a greater distance in space or time than usual):It's been a very~day. 这是漫长的一天。It was a~day at work because I had very little to do. 因为没有什么事可做,那个工作日显得很长。Due to the wind and rain,it was a very~three miles into town. 由于刮风下雨,进城去的三英里路显得很漫长。wait for a~hour 足足等了一个小时;
 at (the) longest 最长,至多:We can wait only two days at the~est. 我们最多只能等两天。
 (not) by a long chalk/shot 远(没有):He has not finished his work by a~chalk. 他远没有完成他的工作。
 go a long way 1)大有作为:The boy will go a~way,I am sure. 我肯定这个男孩会大有作为的。2)很有助于:The new plan will go a~way towards solving the housing problem. 这项新计划将很有助于解决住房问题。3)禁用(花):With some children,small sums go a~way. 有些小孩一点点钱可以花很长时间。4)叫人受不了:A little of her company goes a~way. 跟她待上一会儿就叫人受不了。
 come a long way 有了很大的改善(进展):The school has come a~way since its beginning. 这所学校从建校初期到现在有了很大的发展。
 in the long run 从长远来看(说):It is their only hope of survival in the~run. 从长远来看那是他们生存的唯一希望。
 (have/put on/pull/wear) a long face 哭丧着脸,显出沮丧的样子:Don't pull a~face when I tell you to go to bed. 我让你去睡觉你不要不高兴。
 take a long look at 仔细考虑:Take a~look at the cold facts before cutting defence spending. 在削减国防经费之前,要仔细考虑一下严酷的现实。
 take the long view 从长远考虑,目光远大:Those who took the~view are now reaping the benefit of such a policy. 那些目光远大的人现在得到这种政策的好处了。
 to cut a long story short 长话短说,简言之:To cut a~story short,I decided to turn down the job. 简言之,我决定拒绝这份工作。
 →͵long-′distance adj & adv 长途的(地);͵long-′lived adj 长寿的;′long-range adj 长期的,远程的;͵long-′sighted adj 远视的,有远见的;͵long-′term adj 长期的;͵long-′winded adj 喋喋不休的,冗长而令人生厌的;
 adv (1)长期(久,时间)地(for a long time):wait/stay~等/待很长时间;L~live ...!……万岁!I have lived~enough. 我年纪已经够大的了。He has~wanted to write a book. 他早就想写一本书了。
 (2)早在或以后很久(at a much earlier or a much later time than indicated)[无comp]:~after midnight/World War II 下半夜/二次世界大战后很久;~before the war/before sb was born 早在战前/某人出生前很久;~ago 很久以前;~since 很久以来;
 (3)始终(from the beginning to the end):all day/night~整天/夜;one's whole life~一辈子;all summer/winter~整个夏天/冬天;
 as/so long as 只要……就:You may borrow the book as~as you keep it clean. 只要你不把它弄赃,就可以借这本书。
 no longer (not any longer)不再:I can't wait any~er. 我不能再等了。He's no~er fit to be a member of this club. 他不再适合作这个俱乐部的成员了。
 so long 再见(infml)͵
 n (1)长时间(a long time)[U]:It will not take~. 这不需要很长时间。He didn't speak for~. 他没有讲很长时间。
 (2)长音(信号)(syllablesignal of long duration)[C]:four~s and six shorts 四个长音和六个短音;The signal was two~s and a short. 信号是两长一短。
 before long 很快,不久:Come in and wait—he'll be back before~. 进来等一等,他很快就会回来。
 the long and (the) short of it 要点,总之:The~and the short of it is that you must pay me the money. 总而言之,你必须付给我钱。
 →͵long-drawn-′out adj 拖(拉)长的;͵long-′standing adj 长期的,由来已久的;lon′gevity n 长寿;′longitude n 经线(度);
 【用法】long和a long time都作时间状语。long只在被too,enough,ago等另一副词修饰时才用于肯定句。两者都可用于疑问句。在否定句中,两者在意思上有区别。试比较:He hasn't been here for a long time.(他好久没有到这里来了。)He hasn't been here long.(他到这里没有多久。)





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