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单词 国破家亡

国破家亡guó pò jiā wáng

one’s country has been destroyed and one’s family ruined
❍ 你若损生,朕虽有九重之尊,四海之富,要他则甚?宁可~,决不肯抛舍你也。(洪昇《长生殿》) If you die,what are my throne and empire to me? I would rather lose my empire than abandon you.
❍ 徐曰:“~,无心至此。今日若能见杀,乃是本怀。”(刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》) Xu said calmly,“My kingdom has been destroyed and my family ruined. I had no wish to come here. If I could be killed today it would only be what I have longed for from the beginning.”/俺张薇原是先帝旧臣,~,已绝功名之念。(孔尚任《桃花扇·归山》) I served the late Emperor throughout his reign,but now that the country is ruined and my home destroyed,I have given up all hope of a future career.

国破家亡ɡuó pò jiā wánɡ

国家破碎,家园毁坏。the country is defeated and the home lost, the country has been destroyed and the family ruined





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:31:27