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单词 living
living/′lɪvɪ ŋ/ n;adj [无comp

n (1)生存(state of being alive)[U]:The sick man is tired of~.这个病人不想活下去了。

(2)生活(方式)(manner of existence)[U]:frugal/civilized/comfortable/decent/daily/high/lavish/plain/strenuous/suburban/urban~节俭/文明/舒适/体面/日常/奢侈阔绰/挥霍/朴素/紧张/市郊/城市的生活;the style/way of~生活方式;the art of~生活的艺术;the cost/standard of~生活费用/标准;~conditions/expenses/standards生活条件/费用/标准;

(3)生计(means of keeping alive)[C,通常sing]:earn/make/get one's~as a car salesman (by the sweat of one's brow/by growing rice/out of the sale of fruit) 靠推销汽车(自己的辛勤劳动/种植水稻/卖水果)谋生;earn/make one's own~独立谋生,自食其力;make an adequate~过小康生活;make a meagre~ 过贫困生活; eke out/scrape a~勉强糊口;earn a good/comfortable~for one's family 供家人过上舒适的日子;earn an honest~正当地挣钱过日子;What do you do for a~?你是靠什么生活的?A shoemaker makes shoes for his~. 鞋匠以制鞋为生。my only means of~我唯一的谋生手段;

→′living-room 起居室;

adj (1)活(着)的(having life;now alive):all~things/creatures所有的生物;Is there anything~on Mars?火星上有生物吗?one of the greatest/best~composers/writers in the world 当今最伟大/杰出的作曲家/作家之一;The inheritance fell to the only~relative. 遗产归唯一一位尚在世的亲属所有。Noman all things can.(prov)世界上没有万能的人。alegend 在世的传奇人物;beproof of sth 是……的活人证;the worst typhoon in~memory 在人们记忆中最厉害的台风;a~death 活受罪;the~活着的人们;〖反〗dead;

(2)仍在使用中的,起作用的(still in use; active):a~hope/reality 现存的希望//活生生的现实;English and French are~languages. 英语和法语是活的语言。〖反〗dead;

(3)逼真的(true to lifelife-like):She is the~image of her mother. 她长得极像她的母亲。

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