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单词 live
live1/lɪv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)活(着),生存(be alive;continue to be alive)[II+prepI+to-inf]:Are your parents living?你的父母还健在吗?Eat to~,but not~to eat. 吃饭是为了活着,但是活着不是为了吃饭。He managed to~on. 他设法活了下来。~to the age of 80/a great age 活到80岁/高龄;A turtle can~for over 100 years. 海龟能活100多年。He can't~through the night/till morning. 他活不过今晚/活不到天亮了。She~d to regret her decision/to be ninety. 她活着却为自己的决定而懊悔/活到90岁。Few~d to tell the tale. 没有几个人能活下来说明真象。live and let live 自己活也让别人活;待人宽,人亦待己宽;live and learn (对刚获得信息表示惊讶)真是活一天学一天;〖反〗die;

(2)以某种方式生活(pass one's life in a certain way)[L+nIT+n]:~and die a bachelor/a staunch fighter 终生未娶/一生都是坚强的战士;~alone/comfortably/happily/hard/honestly/luxuriously/plainly and frugally/simply 过着孤独/舒适/幸福/艰难/诚实/奢侈/俭朴/俭朴的生活;~beyond one's income/one's means 过着入不敷出的生活;~within one's income/means 量入为出地生活;~for nothing but pleasure 只为享乐而生活;~from day to day 过一天算一天;~in peace/poverty/the present 平静地生活/生活贫困/只顾眼前;~like a saint/king 像圣贤/国王那样生活;~a happy/peaceful/hard life 过幸福/安宁/艰苦的生活;~like fighting cocks/a lord 过奢侈的生活;~off/on the fat of the land过着锦衣玉食的生活;

(3)居住(make one's home in a particular place)[II+prep]:Where does he~?他住在哪儿?He~s far away/close by/next door to me. 他住在很远的地方/附近/我隔壁。~across the street/at a hotel/at No. 40 in (on) this street/at the seaside/at home/at one's uncle's 住在街对面/旅馆/这条街的40号/海滨/家里/叔叔家;~abroad 住在国外;~in the country in summer,in town in winter夏天住在乡下,冬天住在城里;~in Beijing/in a flat/on a farm 住在北京/公寓里/农场;~under the same roof 住在同一所房子里;The room doesn't seem to be~d in. 这个房间似乎没有人住。〖同〗reside;

(4)继续存在(continue to exist)[I](fig):No ship can~in such a storm. 在这样的暴风雨中,没有一条船能幸免于难。His name will~in history. 他将名留青史。It still~s in my memory. 那事仍留在我的记忆里。His memory~s in my heart for ever. 我对他的记忆铭刻在心。

(5)享受人生(enjoy life to the full)[I]:Let us~while we may. 让我们充分地享受人生。She wants to~and not be at home cooking and looking after children. 她要充分地享受生活,而不是在家做饭看孩子。

live it up 纵情欢乐:He~s it up with wine and song. 他饮酒高歌,纵情享乐。

live apart (v adv)(夫妻)分居(vi):After Mary had been~ing apart from Jim for six months,she decided to return to him. 玛丽与吉姆分居六个月后决定重新回到他身边。

live by (v prep) 1)靠……为生(vt无pass):~by honest labour/begging/the pen/one's wits 靠正当的劳动/乞讨/写作/小聪明(欺骗)生活; 2)遵循,坚持(vt,无pass):~by certain principles 坚持某些原则;

live down (v adv)悔过自新使人们慢慢淡忘(以往的过失)(vt):He has~d down his scandal. 他已改邪归正,人们已忘掉了他以前的丑闻。It will be difficult to~down this humiliation. 要使人忘记这一耻辱是困难的。

live for (v prep) 1)一心想着(vt):He~s for his car. 他整天想着他那辆汽车。2)盼望着(vt):He~s for the day when he can retire and grow flowers. 他盼着自己能退休去养花的那一天。

live in (adv)住在工作(学习)的地方(vi):He decided to~in during his freshman year at college.他决定大学一年级住校学习。She~s in as a maid. 她住在人家家里当佣人。

live off/on (v prep) 1)靠吃……生活(vt):~off fruit and nuts 靠吃水果和坚果生活;~on fish/vegetables 以吃鱼/蔬菜为生;2)靠……生活(vt):She still~s off/on her parents.她仍然靠父母养活。~on one's savings/charity 靠储蓄/施舍过活;

live through (v prep)经历(而活过来)(vt):He has~d through two wars. 他经历过两次战争。~through an economic crisis/a famine 度过经济危机/饥荒;

live up to (v adv prep)达到(标准),不辜负(期望),遵守(诺言,规章)(vt):~up to the high standard of the school 达到学校的高标准;~up to one's parents' expectations 不辜负父母的期望;~up to one's promise 遵守诺言;~up to one's reputation 无愧于自己的名声;

live with (v prep)接(忍)受(vt):~with the new tax law 接受新税法;Can you~with this arrangement? 你能忍受这种安排吗?

→′liv(e)able adj 适于居住的,有生活价值的,可忍受的;′livelihood n 生计,谋生之道;living adj & n;life n;






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