释义 |
回(Ⅰ❶迴)[囬、囘、Ⅰ❶廻]huíⅠ ❶ (曲折环绕) circle;wind: 迂 ~ winding;circuitous;round about; 峰 ~ 路转。 The path winds along mountain ridges. ❷ (从别处回到原来的地方;还) return;go back: ~ 到原地 return to where one came from;~ 故乡 return to one's hometown; 过一会儿我还要 ~ 过来讲这个问题。 I'll return to this point in my lecture in a little while. 然后他 ~ 到座位上去。 Then he went back to his seat. ❸ (掉转) turn round: 她 ~ 过身来,沉思地望了望他。 She turned round and regarded him thoughtfully. ❹ (答复;回报) answer;reply: ~ 信 send a letter in reply;write back ❺ (向上报告;回禀) report back: 已经 ~ 了 have already reported (to superior) Ⅱ ❶ (用于事情、动作的次数) time: 好几 ~ a good many times; 来过一 ~ have been here once; 完全是两 ~ 事 two entirely different matters; 直布罗陀我去过两 ~。 I have been to Gibratar twice. 一 ~ 生,二 ~ 熟。 First time strangers,second time friends. ❷ (说书的一个段落;章回小说的一章) chapter: 这部小说共120 ~。 This novel has 120 chapters. Ⅲ ❶ (回族) the Hui nationality ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 满住 Hui Manzhu 另见 see also hui。 ◆回摆(程) backswing;oscillation; 回拜 pay a return visit; 回报 report back on what has been done;bring back a report;return for report;repay;requite;reciprocate; 回本国 homeward-bound;come home;return from abroad;return to one's native land; 回避 avoid (meeting sb.);debarb;dodge;evade; 回避制度 the withdrawal system; 回驳 refute; 回茬 the second crop in multipe cropping; 回肠 ileum;woried;agitated; 回肠荡气 (of music,poems,etc.) soulstirring;agitated in mind;deeply to affect sb.'s emotions;heartrending; 回肠九转 One's mind is burning with grief.;dejected and vexatious without peace; 回潮 resurgence;reversion; 回巢供食 nest provisioning; 回车 carriage return;return;drawing-in; 回车键 enter key;return key; 回嗔作喜 One's anger at once changed to joy.;One has forgotten one's anger and is placated.;overcome one's anger and smile;Somebody's rage was turned into joy.; 回程 return trip;return stroke;reverse drive;reverse running;recurrence;rickback;return;retrace;swing;flyback; 回冲 backwash; 回船转舵 change one's stand;change the method of work; 回春 return of spring;bring back to life; 回春乏术 The sickness is too deeply rooted in the body for human art to do anything.;have tried one's hand upon the patient,but without success; 回答 answer;reply;response; 回单 receipt; 回荡 resound;reverberate; 回电 call back;wire back;a cable (or telegram) sent in replay; 回动 {机} reverse; 回舵 ease the helm;ease the wheel; 回访 pay a return visit; 回放 playback; 回风 return air; 回复 reply;answer;reflex;reversion;recoil;return;feedback;renovation;revert;restoration; 回港证 Hong Kong Re-entry Permit; 回顾 look back;review;retrospect; 回光返照 the last radiance of the setting sun;momentary recovery of consciousness just before death;a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse; 回光镜 reflector; 回光仪 heliotrope; 回归 recurrence;regression;flyback; 回归测试 regression test; 回归教育 regression education; 回归线 {地理} tropic;regression line; 回锅 cook again; 回国述职 return to one's country and report; 回合 round;bout; 回纥 Huihe (Ouigour),an ancient nationality in China; 回护 shield;harbour;cover up; 回花 {纺} lap waste; 回话 reply;answer;bring back word; 回黄反绿 from autumn yellow to the green of spring; 回回 [旧] the Huis;the Hui people; 回火 tempering;draw the temper;drawing-back;letting down;drawing;flashback;flareback; 回火温度 (drawback) temperature;drawing temperature;temper point;temper stressing;temper temperature; 回击 return stroke;fight back;return fire;counterattack; 回家 go [come] home;be home;return home; 回(头)见 [套] See you later.;cheerio; 回教 [旧] Mohammedanism;Islam; 回叫 call back; 回敬 return a compliment;do or give sth. in return;return the salute;tit for tat; 回绝 decline;refuse; 回空 haulback; 回扣 rebate;kick back;discount;commission on sales [for agent];commissions;sales commission; 回来 return;come back;be back;go back;turn one's steps back;on one's return from;put sth. back; 回廊 {建} winding corridor;ambulatory; 回老家 die;be no more;be dead;go to one's long [last] home;go to hometown;return home;home; 回礼 return a salute;send a present in return;present a gift in return; 回力球 jai alai;hili ball;(a game of Spanish origin); 回流 back-flow;inverse flow;counter-flow;backwash;return streamer;receding backflow;blowing back;return;{化工} reflux; 回笼 steam again;withdrawal (of currency) from circulation; 回笼资金 recoup funds; 回炉 melt down;bake (cakes,etc.) again; 回路 {电} return circuit;return;loop tank;circuit;contour;mesh circuit; 回路电流 loop current; 回禄之灾 have one's house burnt down;a fire disaster; 回落 (of water levels,prices,etc.) fall after rise; 回马枪 back thrust; 回马[身]再战 turn back and fight again; 回骂 answer back and scold in return; 回毛 {纺} lap waste; 回门 the return of bride to her mother's home on third day of wedding; 回描 flyback;retrace;retrace of scan; 回民 the Huis;the Hui people; 回眸一笑 look back at sb. with a smile;look back and flash a smile at sb.;give a smile,glancing back prettily; 回娘家 (women) visit the parental home; 回聘 re-employment; 回棋 retract a false move in a chess game; 回青 a mineral green for painting; 回请 return hospitality;give a return banquet; 回去 return;go back;be back; 回乳 delactation; 回扫 flyback; 回烧 burn-back; 回声 echo;bounce back;reverberation;resounding; 回生 bring back to life;forget through lack of practice;get rusty; 回升 upturn;rise again (after a fall);pick up; 回师 return in triumph; 回收 retrieve;recover;reclaim;recovery;recuperation; 回收卫星 recover satellites; 回手 turn round and stretch out one's hand;hit back;return a blow; 回首 turn one's head;turn round [about];[书] look back;call to mind;recollect; 回首前尘 remember past events;recall one's past; 回授 feedback (FDBK);return coupling;back feed;couple back; 回赎 redeem pawned articles; 回水 ascent;backwater;damming;return water; 回水管 wet return; 回送 loopback; 回溯 recall;look back upon; 回弹 kick-back;springback;resilience; 回天 save a desperate situation; 回天乏术 have no plan to make improvements;powerless to save the desperate situation;unable to save the situation.; 回天之力 power capable of saving a desperate situation;tremendous power to overcome difficulties; 回填 {建} backfill; 回条 a short note acknowledging receipt of sth.;receipt; 回跳 knock-on;kick-back;bounce;bound;impinging;recoil;rebound; 回帖 a money order receipt to be signed and returned to the sender; 回头 turn one's head; turn round; turn about; repent;[口] later; 回头路 the road back to one's former position;the road of retrogression; 回头是岸 repent and be saved;(It is) never too late to mend [repent].;Just repent and salvation is at hand.;Repent and the shore is at hand,;Repentence is [means] salvation.;The shore is just behind you,i.e. you can mend your ways easily.;There is yet time for you to mend your ways.;Turn back and you are ashore (from a sea of sorrow).;turn back to safety;turn from one's evil ways; 回头一看 glance over one's shoulder;turn one's head and look;look back; 回头一想 on second thoughts; 回味 aftertaste;recollect the pleasant flavour of ...;call sth. to mind and ponder over it;enjoy in retrospect; 回味无穷 lead a person to endless aftertastes;be led up to meaningful afterthoughts; 回文 the langauage of the Moslems;plalindrome; 回洗 back scrubbing;backflush; 回乡 return to one's home village;return home; 回乡落户 go and settle in one's ancestral village; 回乡心切 long for one's home;be homesick; 回乡务农 come back to the village to farm;return to one's home village to work as a peasant; 回翔 circle round;wheel; 回想 think back;recollect;recall;anamnesis; 回响 echo;resound;reverberate; 回销 (grain,etc.) resold by the state to the place of production; 回心转意 change one's mind about ...;alter one's mind;change one's mind and direct [turn] one's heart;change one's mind and views;change one's position and conduct;come around to relent;correct one's conduct;turn back one's heart and change one's mind; 回信 write in reply;write back;reply to one's letter;a letter in reply;a verbal message in reply;reply; 回形滑行 spinout; 回形针 (paper) clip; 回修 return sth. for repairs; 回旋 circle round;round and round;(room for) manoeuvre; 回旋式打印机 rotary marking machine; 回阳救逆 {中医} recuperating depleted yang; 回忆 call to mind;look back upon;recollect;recall;memory;palinmnesis;reminiscence; 回忆对比 recall the past and contrast it with the present;recall one's sufferings in the old society and contrast them with the happiness in the new;recall past suffering and contrast it with today's happiness; 回译 retroversion; 回音 echo;reply;response; 回应信号 back signal; 回邮人 returnee; 回油泵 dump pump; 回油槽 oil-recovery tank; 回油管 oil return line;oil return pipe;return oil pipe;scavenge return pipe; 回油器 oil scavenger; 回[洄]游 {动} migration;run; 回原 home; 回原地再起动 back-roll; 回执 a short note acknowledging receipt of sth.;receipt; 回转 gyration;rotation;swing;turn;slew;{工} slewing angulation;back swing;circumgyration;revolution;throw- over motion;turn round; 回族 the Hui nationality; 回祖归宗 regress to forefathers; 回嘴 answer back;retort
回hui(构词成分): ~ 来 [- lɑi] (用在动词后,表示到原来的地方) back;~ 去 [- qu] (用在动词后,表示到原来的地方去) back 另见 see also huí。 |