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单词 因小失大

因小失大yīn xiǎo shī dà

penny wise,pound foolish; risk big things for the sake of the small; save small sums while losing a larger one; spoil (/lose)the ship for a ha’p’orth (/halfpenny worth) of tar;try to save a little only to lose a lot
❍ 饮食之人,则人贱之矣;为其养小以失大也。(《孟子·告子上》)A man who only eats and drinks is counted mean by others;—because he nourishes what is little to the neglect of what is great.
❍ 千万不可因此而气愤乱动,或者灰心,那就会~啦。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—237) If on the contrary we ever make a wrong move in a fit of anger or let ourselves be depressed,then we’ll be paying too big a price for mere trifles.
❍ 可是咱们不能~。这是县里的决定,我是到咱们这个公社来执行。(李准《不能走那条路》137) But we can’t risk big things for the sake of the small. This is a directive of the county government. I’m here to see that it’s carried out.


penny wise but pound foolish;impede(or block)broader progress because of a single issue;try to save a little only to lose a lot

因小失大yīn xiǎo shī dà

为了一点点的利益,而造成巨大的损失。penny wise,pound foolish; spoil the ship for a half penny worth of tar, try to save a little only to lose a lot, lose the ship for a half penny worth of tar





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