释义 |
平起平坐píng qǐ píng zuòbe on an equal footing;be on even board with; of equal status; on a level with; on equal terms with; sit as equals at the same table; treat sb as an equal ❍ 任命黎纪纲为少将,和他自己,也和严醉~,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》555)By promoting Li Jigang to major-general,he had put him on an equal footing with Yan Zui and Xu Pengfei;…/再说,你看他这几年出俏得多好,县衙门平入平出,和刘县长、杨书记都是~哩! (王汶石《风雪之夜》73)Besides,you see how well he’s done for himself in recent years. He can go in and out of the County People’s Council and discuss matters on equal terms with County Head Liu and Secretary Yang. ❍ 他平生的理想,是和下堡村的杨大剥皮、吕二细鬼,三足鼎立,~,而不满足于仅仅做蛤蟆滩的“稻地王”。(柳青《创业史》178)His lifelong ambition had been to be able to sit down at the table as equals with the big landlords Tenant skinner Yang and Miser Lu. Being “King of Frog Flat” didn’t satisfy him. ❍ 看人家还不是跟工作队~?(周立波《暴风骤雨》73) See! He’s sitting side by side with the land reform workers!/你若同他拱手作揖~,这就坏了学校规矩,连我脸上都无光了。(《儒林外史》38) If you greet them and treat them as equals,that will be a breach of etiquette and will make me lose face too. 平起平坐ping qi ping zuobe on an equal footing 平起平坐on an equal footing;sit as equals at the same table 平起平坐pínɡ qǐ pínɡ zuò比喻地位、权力相等。be on an equal footing, as equals, on a level with, be equal in power |