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单词 四处碰壁

四处碰壁sì chù pèng bì

be driven from pillar to post; be snubbed at all places; get into trouble on all sides; run into snags at every turn; run one’s head into stone walls everywhere
❍ 市场银根紧,水陆交通断,朱延年手里头寸缺,债户逼的紧,他~,走投无路,没有办法,只好不了了之,藏到刘蕙蕙的家里,什么人也找不到他。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —108) The money market was tight and waterway and overland traffic had broken down; he was short of ready cash,his creditors were pressing for settlement and he ran up against a brick wall every way he turned. There was no one he could turn to for help and there was no way out for him but to leave his debts unsettled and go into hiding in Liu Huihui’s house,where no one could find him.





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更新时间:2025/1/19 21:07:19