释义 |
齿(齒)chǐⅠ ❶(牙;牙齿) tooth:臼[门,犬,乳] ~ molar [incisor,canine,milk] tooth; 不敢启 ~ dare not mention a subject; 露 ~ 而笑 grin ❷ (物体上齿形的部分) a tooth-like part of anything: 锯 ~ 儿 the teeth of a saw; 梳 ~ 儿 the teeth of a comb ❸ [书] (年龄) age: 序 ~ seat guests according to seniority; 稚 ~ very young Ⅱ [书] (说到;提起) mention: 不 ~ 人类 do not regard as a human being; 不屑 ~ 及 not worth mentioning;of no importance ◆齿耙 tine [toothed] harrow; 齿唇音 (唇齿音) dentilabial;labio-dental; 齿顶 crest of thread;crown of tooth;tooth crest;tooth point;tooth-tip;tooth top;addendum; 齿根 (牙根) root (of tooth);(齿轮根部) dedendum; 齿后音 {语} postdental; 齿距 pitch (of teeth);teeth space; 齿孔 {机} sprocket hole;{摄} perforations;film perforations; 齿冷 [书] laugh sb. to scorn; 齿轮 gear [rack;toothed] wheel;(toothed) gear;wheel gear; 齿轮传动 {机} gearing;gear (power) transmis ̄sion;gear run;(toothed) gear drive; 齿轮箱 gearbox;wheelbox gear casing;gear (set) case; 齿面 flank of tooth;tooth flank;tooth face;tooth surface;transverse pitch; 齿耙 tooth rake; 齿腔 pulp cavity of tooth; 齿墙 key-wall; 齿条 {机} rack;gear [pinion;ratchet;toothed] rack;rack rod;rackwork;teeth [toothed] bar;spline; 齿舞 Habomai; 齿隙 {机} backlash;{解} diastema;pitch play;tooth space; 齿形 jugged;profile [shape] of tooth;tooth [gear] form;tooth outline [profile;shape];serrated form;serration; 齿音 {语} dental; 齿龈 gingiva;gum |