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单词 line
line1/laɪn/ n;vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1)(划的)线(long narrow mark made by a penpencil or tool)[C]:draw a~parallel to.../from A to B 划一条与……平行的线/从A到B划一条线;White~s divided the lanes of the highways. 白线把公路的车道分开。a broken/curved/dotted/thin/thick/horizontal/paralleled/perpendicular/solid/straight/vertical/wavy~一条虚/曲/虚/细/粗/水平/平行/垂直/实/直/垂直/波纹线; 2)(绘画中)线条的使用(use of such linesesp in art)[U]:translate life into~and colour以线条和色彩描绘实物;the beauty of~in this work 这件作品中的线条美;clearness of~明晰的线条;
 (2)线,绳(piece of ropewire or string)[C]:a clothes/fishing~晒衣绳/钓鱼线;a strong hemp~一条结实的麻绳;a life/sounding~救生/测深索;
 (3)排,队,列(row of people or things)[C]:form a~列(排)队;push into a~插队;stand/wait in~排队等候;a check-out~等待结账的一队人;a~of chairs/trees/houses 一排椅子/树/房子;The cars were standing still in a long~. 汽车都停下来排成了一条长龙。establish a picket~设立警戒(纠察)线;a tight picket~of striking workers 罢工工人严密的纠察线;〖同〗queue;
 (4)管道,线路(continuous systemesp of pipeselectrical or telephone cablesconnecting one place with another)[C]:a fuel/a gas/a sewage~燃料/煤气/污水管道;an oil~ 石油管道;high-voltage/power~s 高压/输电线;telephone~s 电话线;The~is busy/engaged.(电话)占线。Hold the~,please. 请不要挂断电话。a hot~for missing children 失踪儿童热线;the hot~between Washington and Moscow 华盛顿与莫斯科之间的热线;
 (5)1)线路,航线(route)[C]:introduce a new/discontinue a bus~开辟一条新的/中止一条公共汽车线路;cut the enemy supply~s 切断敌人的补给线;transport~s 运输线;steamship/air~s 轮船/空中航线; 2)运输公司(company that provides a regular transport service)[C]:a bus/shipping~公共汽车/航运公司;an airline 航空公司;
 (6)铁路线;铁轨(railway;track of railway)[C]:construct a double~of railway 建造一条双轨铁路;Passengers must cross the~by the bridge only. 旅客必须通过天桥过铁路。a branch~支线;the main~干线;
 (7)界线,边界,区别(edge or boundary;border;distinction)[C]:The ball crossed the~. 球出界了。cross the~into Canada from the United States 从美国越过边界进入加拿大;draw a~between right and wrong 分清是非;a sharp dividing~明显的分界线;a city/country~市/国界;foul/service~罚/发球钱;the dead~最后期限;
 (8)战线(boundary between areas occupied by enemy armies during a war)[C]:a battle/cease-fire/front~战线/停火线/前线;behind the enemy~s 在敌人后方;send men to the firing~把士兵派到火线上去;
 (9)作业线(conveyor belt)[C]:work on an assembly/a production~在装配/生产线上工作;
 (10)行动路线,策略(course or action;policy)[Ua~]:adhere to (follow) the Party/Marxist~坚持(遵循)党/马克思主义的路线;pursue the Party~奉行党的方针;take a firm/hard~against ... 对……采取强硬策略;reject the management's~on sth 否决管理部门处理某事的方法;
 (11)外形,轮廓(outline or shape)[pl]:a ship of fine~s 外形美观的船;the sharp~s of a Gothic church 哥德式教堂分明的轮廓;She has good~s in her face. 她脸的轮廓很美。
 (12)皮肤上的条纹,皱纹(mark on the skin where it folds often;wrinkle)[C]:have many~s on one's face 脸上满是皱纹;His face is covered with deep~s. 他脸上布满很深的皱纹。He can read the~s on one's hand. 他能看懂人的手纹。
 (13)行业(occupation)[Ua~]:What~are you in? 你是干哪行的?He is in the banking/building~.他从事银行/建筑业。His~is medicine/grocery. 他从医/做杂货生意。
 (14)消(信)息(information)[Csing]:give sb/get (have) a~on sth 告诉某人有关……的消息/得到关于……的信息;
 (15) 1)一行字(row of words on a page)[C]:scratch/scrawl a few~s 潦草地写几行;write in alternate~s 隔行书写;a poem of six~s 一首六行诗;quote a few~s of ... 引用……的几行诗;There is not a dull~in the whole of the article. 整篇文章没有一行是乏味的。read between the~s 体会字里行间的意思;2)短信(short letter)[C](infml):drop sb a~给某人写封短信;a~from a friend 朋友寄来的短信;3)台词(words spoken by an actor)[pl]:blow/bluff/forget one's~s 忘了台词;go over/rehearse one's~s 复习/默诵台词;The actor was not sure of his~s. 那演员对台词没有把握。
 (16)家系(succession of persons descended from a common ancestor)[C,通常sing]:one's family~某人的家系;the male/female~父/母系;the direct~直系;He comes of a noble~.他出身名门。
 (17)商品的种类(type of products)[Ua~]:a cheap~in hats 一种廉价的帽子;We have a complete/a full~of photographic supplies. 我们有各种各样的摄影用品。He carries the best~of shoes in town.他拥有全城最好的鞋类货品。
 all along the line 完全地,全部地:I agree with you all along the~. 我完全同意你的意见。win victory all along the~全线获胜;
 draw a/the line 1)区别开:Can you draw a~between a battle and a war?你能说出战役与战争的区别吗? 2)规定一个限度,确定不做某事:We'd like to invite everybody to our party,but we have to draw a~somewhere.我们愿意邀请每个人都来参加聚会,但我们得定个限度。draw the~at using violence 不使用暴力;
 in line 使得到控制(有秩序):The government passed a new law to keep prices in~. 政府通过了一项新的法律来控制物价。
 (be) in line for/to do sth 下面该轮到:He's in~for promotion.下次该轮到他晋升了。
 (be) in line with 1)符合,和……一致:in~with the government policy 与政府的政策一致:His actions were not in~with his beliefs.他的行为与他的信仰不一致。2)按照:in~with history and social evolution/the custom of the school 根据历史和社会的发展/按照这所学校的习惯;
 be in one's line 对……在行(有兴趣):That's not much in my~.我对此不大在行。
 (be) out of line 1)不成直线:The two edges were out of~. 那两条边不齐。2)不守规矩,出格:The last remark was out of~. 最后那句话不妥。
 be out of line with 不符合(一致):I can't understand his taking up that position;it is quite out of~with what one would expect of him.我不明白他为什么要担任那一职务,这与人们对他的期望不相称。
 bring sth/come/fall/get/move into line with(使)一致:They have brought their prices into~with ours.他们已使他们的价格与我们一致了。
 in (the) line of duty 在执行任(公)务:meet one's death in~of duty因公殉职;
 lay it on the line 坦率地说:Let me lay it on the~— you are a thief. 坦率地说——你就是个贼。
 lay/put sth on the line 使处于危险中:The champion is laying his title on the~in the fight tonight. 这位世界冠军在今晚的拳击赛中可能会失去他的称号。
 toe the line 规规矩矩:The new teacher will make Joe toe the~. 新教师要使乔规规矩矩。
 →′lineage n 家系,血统;′lineal adj 直系的;′linear adj(直)线的,线性的;
 vt (1)画线,使起皱纹(draw lines on;mark with lines)[尤passT+nT+n+prep]: Wrinkles~d her face. 她脸上布满皱纹。Sheets of white paper~d in blue 划有蓝条格的白纸;~the paper with a pencil and a ruler 用铅笔和尺在纸上画线;His face is deeply~d with cares and anxieties.他的脸因担心和焦虑而布满深深的皱纹。
 (2)沿……排列(form lines along)[T+nT+n+prep]:Crowds/Tall trees~d the street (road). 街道(道路)两旁站着一排排的人/排列着高大的树木。The side of the lake is~d by trees. 湖畔树木成行。~a frontier with soldiers 沿边境线部署士兵;The river-bank was~d with people. 人们排列在河岸上。
 line up (v adv) 1)(使)排队(成一行)(vi & vt):We~d up to buy tickets. 我们排队买票。The captain~d up his soldier for a roll call. 上尉让士兵列队点名。2)和……站在一起(vi):He is~ing up alongside with the most progressive people in his party. 他同他党内最进步的人士站在一起。3)集中,召集(vt)(infml):They've~d up some excellent entertainers for our show.他们为我们的演出召集了一些优秀演员。
 →′line-up 一队(排)人





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