嗜shì (特别爱好) have a liking for; be addicted to: ~ 酒 be addicted to drink; 他 ~ 烟成瘾。 He is addicted to smoking. ◆嗜毒者 drugster; 嗜好 hobby; addiction; habit; fad; 嗜痂成癖 have an addiction for drugs etc.; an uncommonly low taste; 嗜痂之癖 peculiar addiction; eccentricity; 嗜酒好赌 love wine and gambling to excess; 嗜酒好色 be crazy about wine and women; be fond of drink and women; given over to wine and women; being addicted to drinking and lewdness; 嗜酒者 drunkard; 嗜眠 somnolence; hypnosia; 嗜杀成性 bloodthirsty; sanguinary; 嗜杀欲 bloodthirst; 嗜睡 {医} drowsiness; somnolence; 嗜血 bloodthirsty; bloodsucking; 嗜血成性 kill without batting an eyelid; be fond of killing; love to kill; be bloodthirsty by nature; bloodsucking; 嗜欲 pleasure-seeking desire |