释义 |
喜闻乐见xǐ wén lè jiànbe appreciated; love to see and hear ❍ 你这个形象是否站得住,是否为人民所~,不是领导批准可以算数的; 可是目前领导决定多于群众批准。(周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》) Whether the images you have created are successful or not and whether they are appreciated or not by the people,is not decided by the approval of the leadership. At present,however,there are more decisions by the leadership than by the masses. ❍ 洋八股必须废止,空洞抽象的调头必须少唱,教条主义必须休息; 而代之以新鲜活泼的、为中国老百姓所~的中国作风和中国气派。(《毛泽东选集》500) Foreign stereotypes must be abolished,there must be less singing of empty,abstract tunes,and dogmatism must be laid to rest; and these must be replaced by the fresh,lively Chinese style and the Chinese air which the commonpeople of China love. 喜闻乐见love to see and hear 老百姓~的电视节目TV programs popular among the ordinary civilians 喜闻乐见xǐ wén lè jiàn喜欢听,乐意看。比喻十分受欢迎。love to see and hear, be appreciated, be delighted to hear and see |