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单词 群起而攻之

群起而攻之群起而攻qún qǐ ér gōng zhī

all rise(/turn) against sb; all come out to denouncesb;everyone points an accusing finger at sb; join in an attack on sth; rally together to attack sb or sth;rise up in struggle against sb (/sth)
❍ 隔膜,反感再加上灾害的顾虑,自然把我们看作异种,群起而攻了。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》168—169) When their fear of disaster is added on top of their misunderstandings and resentment,it’s only natural that they should regard us as monsters and that they should all rise up and attack us.
❍ 我相信我们没有做错,为什么一霎时群起而攻,把我们看作公敌?(叶圣陶《倪焕之》167)I can’t see that we’ve done anything wrong,so why should they suddenly all turn against us and start attacking us as if we were public enemies?/一些反对党的议员们纷纷起立提出质问,后来~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》525) Some opposition members started to question him and then joined in an attack on him.

群起而攻之qun qi er gong zhi

all rise against sb.


all rise (or turn) against sb;run up against the opposition of all;rally together to attack someone

群起而攻之qún qǐ ér ɡōnɡ zhī

大家一齐起来攻击、指责他。rise together and expel sb., all turn against sb., attack in a group





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