释义 |
喜形于色xǐ xíng yú sèa face lit up with pleasure; be visibly pleased; beaming with happiness(/delight/joy); with visible pleasure ❍ 季慕韩……~地立即站起来,欠欠身子,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—207) Overjoyed,he stood up and bowed to Ji Xiaocun. ❍ 上自王后,下至弄臣,个个~。(鲁迅《故事新编·铸剑》82) From the queen down to the court jester,all beamed with delight. ❍ 蒋翊武~立即举起右手,沉重地在刘复基肩上拍一下,…… (李六如 《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—231) Beaming with sudden joy,Jiang Yiwu raised his right hand and patted Liu soundly upon the shoulder,…/(~)妈来了,在哪儿?(《曹禺选集·雷雨》42) (her face lighting up with delight):She’s here? Where is she?/他~,摸出手巾,擦了擦冷汗,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》598) Relief spread over Xu Pengfei’s face,as he pulled out his hand kerchief and mopped his brow. ❍ 李纨心中自然喜欢,但因不见了宝玉,不敢~。(《红楼梦》1528) Li Wan was naturally overjoyed,but while Baoyu was missing she dared not show it. 喜形于色be visibly pleased;be radiant with joy 喜形于色xǐ xínɡ yú sè形:表现;色:脸色。内心的喜悦抑制不住而流露在脸上。be visibly pleased, beaming with happiness |