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单词 善罢甘休

善罢甘休善罢干休shàn bà gān xiū

give up sth easily; leave the matter at that; let it go at that; let sb off so easily; let the matter drop 〔多用于否定和疑问句〕/我估计他不会跟咱善罢干休!(梁斌《红旗谱》65)I fancy we haven’t finished with him yet.
❍ 老宪可不是个~的人。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》443)Old Xian was not prepared to give up that easily,…/奶奶就是让着他,他看见奶奶比他标致,又比他得人心儿,他就肯善罢干休了? (《红楼梦》853) Even if you treated her with respect,once she saw you were better looking and more popular with people,how could she let you off?/朱大贵说: “好! 那就不敲他的,冯贵堂来了,也不跟狗日的善罢干休!”(梁斌《红旗谱》293) “All right,”said Dagui. “I’ll spare him then. But if Feng Guitang turns up,I won’t let the bastard off so easily! ”


leave the matter as it is;let it go at that;let the matter rest

善罢甘休shàn bà ɡān xiū

善:好好地。罢、休:停止。心甘情愿地了结纠纷,不再闹下去。let it go at that, leave the matter at that, be willing to give up





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