释义 |
丝(絲)sīⅠ ❶ (蚕丝) silk: 生 ~ raw silk; 蚕吐 ~。 Silkworms spin silk. 这是用 ~ 织成的。 It is woven of [from] silk. ❷ (像丝的物品) a threadlike thing: 肉 ~ meat cut into slivers; shredded meat; 铜 ~ copper wire; 一 ~ 亮光 a thread of light; 雨 ~ fine drizzle; 钨 ~ tungsten filament; 蜘蛛 ~ cobweb ❸ (极少或极小的量) a tiny bit; trace: 一 ~ 不差 not a bit of difference; 她脸上没有一 ~ 笑容。 There isn't a trace of a smile on her face. 一 ~ 风也没有。 There isn't a breath of air. Ⅱ (重量单位) si, a unit of weight (=0.0005 grams) ◆丝虫 filaria; 丝绸 silk cloth; silk; [德] seide; 丝绸之路 the Silk Road; Silk Route (a route over which Han silk fabrics and other products were transported to Southwest Asia and Europe); 丝带 silk ribbon; silk braid; corses; silk sash; taen-; taeni-; taenio-; 丝杠 {机} screw; guide screw; kad-screw; lead screw; leading screw; 丝瓜 towel gourd; sponge gourd; dishcloth gourd; the loofah gourd; 丝光 {纺} mercerization; silkete; mercerizing; 丝毫 the slightest amount or degree; a bit; a particle; a shred; an iota; 丝极 filament; 丝米 decimillimetre; 丝棉 silk floss; [日] mawata; silk wadding [patting; batting];丝绒 velutum; velvet; velour; pile; 丝丝拉拉 endless tangling and involvement; 丝袜 silk stockings; 丝网 silk fishing net; {刷} silk screen; 丝弦 silk string (for a musical instrument); 丝线 silk thread (for sewing); silk yarn; 丝织 silk weaving; silk manufacturing; 丝织品 silk fabrics; silk knit goods; mercery; ilicha; 丝质 silk quality; 丝竹 traditional stringed and woodwind instruments; music; 丝状 filiform; threadiness; 丝锥 {机} tap; screwtap |