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单词 啼饥号寒

啼饥号寒tí jī háo hán

wail (/lament/cry out)in (/from) hunger and cold; moan with hunger and cold
❍ 即使在丰收年景,小民还不免~;……(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—686) Despite a year of good harvest,the poor were still hungry and cold;…/在物质上,掠夺普通人民的衣食,使广大人民~;……(《毛泽东选集》423)Materially,he is robbing the common people even of their food and clothing,making them cry out in hunger and cold; …/此京城成千上万的灾民,露宿街头,~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》82) Beijing was full of tens of thousands of refugees who slept in the streets moaning with hunger and cold.
❍ 故 “花呀月呀”,不出于~者之口,而“一手奠定中国之文坛”,亦为苦工猪仔所不敢望也。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—23) Men suf fering from cold and hunger are not the ones who talk of flowers and the moon,and no coolie or slave dare dream of “reforming Chinese literature single handed.”


crying from(/out in)hunger and cold


crying from(/out in)hunger and cold

啼饥号寒tí jī háo hán

啼:哭泣;号:号叫。因寒冷饥饿而哭泣号叫。形容生活十分贫寒,吃不饱,穿不暖。cry from hunger and cold, wait with hunger and cold, lament in hunger and cold





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