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单词 唾手可得

唾手可得唾手可取tuò shǒu kě dé

accomplish(/obtain) with extreme ease; take (/capture) a place hands-down (/with extreme ease/with one’s hands behind one’s back/without moving a finger)
❍ 维曰: “不然。向者兵败,尚欲进取,纵横中原;今日洮水一战,魏人胆裂,吾料狄道~。……” (《三国演义》959)“I disagree,”said Jiang,“Our opponents have heen overcome,and if we press forward we may overrun the whole north. This defeat has broken thespirit of the army,and this city can be easily captured.…”/今围十日,军民饥荒。不如暂且收军,只须如此如此,长安~。(《三国演义》496) Ten days of siege must have exhausted the supplies in the city,wherefore if we relax for a time—well,you will see. We shall capture the city without moving a finger.”


obtainable without lifting a finger;be extremely easy to obtain;within easy reach

唾手可得tuò shǒu kě dé

唾手:往手上吐唾沫。比喻非常容易就能得到。extremely easy to obtain, take a place with one’s hands behind one’s back, acquire sth. easily





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更新时间:2025/3/3 7:09:28