生产管理shēnɡ chǎn ɡuǎn lǐProduction Management半成品 [bàn chénɡ pǐn] semi-finished products 材料 [cái liào] materials 操作方法 [cāo zuò fānɡ fǎ] working technique; method of operation 产品设计 [chǎn pǐn shè jì] design of products 超额完成国家计划 [chāo é wán chénɡ ɡuó jiā jì huà] overfulfill the state plan 成本 [chénɡ běn] cost 成批生产 [chénɡ pī shēnɡ chǎn] produce by batch; serial production 成品 [chénɡ pǐn] finished products 成套设备 [chénɡ tào shè bèi] complete plant; whole sets of equipment 传统产品 [chuán tǒnɡ chǎn pǐn] traditional products 大量生产 [dà liànɡ shēnɡ chǎn] mass production 代用品 [dài yònɡ pǐn] substitute 定额 [dìnɡ é] quota 发挥投资效果 [fā huī tóu zī xiào ɡuǒ] raise investment efficiency 反对铺张浪费 [fǎn duì pū zhānɡ lànɡ fèi] combat all waste and extravagance 分配制度 [fēn pèi zhì dù] system of distribution 改进技术规程 [ɡǎi jìn jì shù ɡuī chénɡ] improve the technological process 工程项目 [ɡōnɡ chénɡ xiànɡ mù] project 工业基地 [ɡōnɡ yè jī dì] industrial base 工艺 [ɡōnɡ yì] technology 工作效率 [ɡōnɡ zuò xiào lǜ] efficiency 管理制度 [ɡuǎn lǐ zhì dù] system of management 规格 [ɡuī ɡé] standards; specifications 国际规格 [ɡuó jì ɡuī ɡé] international standards 国家指标 [ɡuó jiā zhǐ biāo] state quotas 国营企业 [ɡuó yínɡ qǐ yè] state-owned industrial enterprises 核查企业资本 [hé chá qǐ yè zī běn] checkup on enterprise assets 合理化建议 [hé lǐ huà jiàn yì] rationalization proposal 基本建设 [jī běn jiàn shè] capital construction 积聚第一手资料 [jī jù dì yī shǒu zī liào] accumulate first-hand data 积累资金 [jī lěi zī jīn] accumulate capital funds 技术操作规程 [jì shù cāo zuò ɡuī chénɡ] regulations for technical operations 技术管理 [jì shù ɡuǎn lǐ] technical management 技术数据 [jì shù shù jù] technical data 技术水准 [jì shù shuǐ zhǔn] technical level 技术资料 [jì shù zī liào] technical literature 计划经济 [jì huà jīnɡ jì] planned economy 加工 [jiā ɡōnɡ] processing 加强薄弱环节 [jiā qiánɡ bó ruò huán jié] strengthen weak links 简化工序 [jiǎn huà ɡōnɡ xù] simplify working processes 建设性意见 [jiàn shè xìnɡ yì jiàn] constructive suggestions 降低成本 [jiànɡ dī chénɡ běn] lower costs 降低废品、次品率 [jiànɡ dī fèi pǐn cì pǐn lǜ] reduce the number of rejects and seconds 经济管理 [jīnɡ jì ɡuǎn lǐ] economic management 扩大生产能力 [kuò dà shēnɡ chǎn nénɡ lì] expand production capacity 清仓 [qīnɡ cānɡ] make an inventory/a checkup of warehouses 全部机械化操作 [quán bù jī xiè huà cāo zuò] fully mechanized operation 生产成本 [shēnɡ chǎn chénɡ běn] cost of production 生产定额 [shēnɡ chǎn dìnɡ é] production quota 生产过剩 [shēnɡ chǎn ɡuò shènɡ] overproduction 生产率 [shēnɡ chǎn lǜ] productivity 生产潜力 [shēnɡ chǎn qián lì] productive potentialities; latent productive capacity 生产设备 [shēnɡ chǎn shè bèi] productive facilities 生产数据 [shēnɡ chǎn shù jù] capital goods 生产水准 [shēnɡ chǎn shuǐ zhǔn] production level 生产责任制 [shēnɡ chǎn zé rèn zhì] responsibility system in production 生产指标 [shēnɡ chǎn zhǐ biāo] production quota 生产总值 [shēnɡ chǎn zǒnɡ zhí] total output value 试产 [shì chǎn] trial produce; trial-production 世界先进水准 [shì jiè xiān jìn shuǐ zhǔn] advanced international standards 提高劳动生产率 [tí ɡāo láo dònɡ shēnɡ chǎn lǜ] raise labour productivity 提高利用率 [tí ɡāo lì yònɡ lǜ] increase operation rate 挖掘生产潜力 [wā jué shēnɡ chǎn qián lì] tap production potential 先进工作方法 [xiān jìn ɡōnɡ zuò fānɡ fǎ] advanced way of working 现有设备 [xiàn yǒu shè bèi] existing equipment 消费品 [xiāo fèi pǐn] consumer goods 严格品质检查制度 [yán ɡé pǐn zhì jiǎn chá zhì dù] strictly observe the rules for checking quality 原料 [yuán liào] raw materials 原料消耗 [yuán liào xiāo hào] consumption of raw materials 员工 [yuán ɡōnɡ] workers and staff members 增产节约 [zēnɡ chǎn jié yuē] practise economy and increase production 招标 [zhāo biāo] call for/invite tenders 自动化 [zì dònɡ huà] automation 总产量 [zǒnɡ chǎn liànɡ] total output 总体设计 [zǒnɡ tǐ shè jì] general layout |