哈hāⅠ ❶ (张口呼气) blow one's breath;breathe out (with the mouth open): ~ 了一口气 breathe out a breath; 往手上 ~ 气取暖 breathe on one's hands to keep them warm; 在窗玻璃上 ~ 一口气 blow breath on a windowpane ❷ (弯下) bend: 他 ~ 腰系鞋带。 He bent over to tie his shoe. Ⅱ (形容笑声,大多叠用) the sound of laughing;ha: ~ ~ 大笑 laugh heartily;roar with laughter Ⅲ (表示得意或满意,大多叠用): ~ ~,我猜着了。 Aha,I've got [guessed] it. ~ ~,这回你溜不掉了。 Aha,you can't slip away this time. ~ ~,这回可输给我了。 Aha,you've lost to me for once. 另见 see also hǎ;hà。 ◆哈勃 Hubble; 哈代 Hardy; 哈得孙 Hudson; 哈尔滨 Harbin; 哈哈大笑 laugh heartily;laugh a shrill laugh;burst into hearty laughter;burst out into a fit of violent laughter;chortle;chuckle;give a loud guffaw;roar with laughter; 哈哈镜 distorting mirror;magic mirror; 哈哈 ha-ha;haw-haw; 哈吉 haji;hajji;hadji; 哈拉拉 halala; 哈拉雷 Harare; 哈喇子 [方] (流出来的口水) dribble;drivel;drool; 哈喇 [口] (形容食油或含油食物日久变坏的味道) rancid; 哈雷彗星 {天} Halley's Comet;the Halley Comet; 哈里发 caliph;khalif(a); 哈利路亚 {宗} hallelujah;halleluiah;alleluia; 哈密顿 Hamilton; 哈密瓜 Cucumis melo var. saccharinus;Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon); 哈乃斐派 {宗} the Hanafite school; 哈尼族 the Hani nationality,living in Yunnan; 哈欠 yawn; 哈萨克;哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan; 哈萨克族 Kazak (nationality); 哈特里 {物} hartree; 哈腰 [口] bend one's back;stoop;bow; 哈腰曲背 humble [humiliate] oneself in serving (a master)
哈hǎⅠ [方] (斥责) reprimand;rebuke Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 元生 Ha Yuansheng 另见 see also hā;hà。 ◆哈巴狗 Pekingese;toady;sycophant; 哈达 hada,a piece of silk used as a greeting gift among the Zang and Mongol nationalities
哈hà(构词成分): ~ 什蚂 [- shi mǎ] Chinese forest frog 另见 see also hā;hǎ。 |