释义 |
千方百计qiān fāng bǎi jìemploy (/use/try/resort to/take) all possible means (/measures); by all kinds (/sorts) of methods; by every possible (/conceivable/available) device (/way/stratagem);do all (/everything) one can (/in one’s power);make every possible attempt(/effort); in a thousand and one ways; by hook or by crook; go to all (/great) lengths; leave no stones unturned ❍ 乡亲们~掩护着老人一家。(杨佩瑾《剑》73) The villagers did all they could to harbour the Chois. ❍ ~地让我把伤养好了,好为革命做点工作。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》227)Everything was done to help me recover,to allow me to do a bit of work for the revolution. ❍ 敌人和我们的两场周旋,连吃了败仗,现在是要~摆脱我们,所以采取了一段路程分散逃窜的诡计。(曲波《林海雪原》505) The enemy have had two clashes with us and were beaten in each. Now they’re doing everything in their power to shake us off.That’s why they’ve this trick of divided trails. ❍ 在他初露头角的那一回,虽然~把甫志高弄上了钩,可是许云峰一出现,竟毫不费力地识破了特务机关的全部诡计,连眼看到手的陈松林也给溜了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》423) On his first assignment,he had managed with great pains to get Fu Zhigao to take the bait,but the instant Xu Yunfeng appeared,he had seen through the machinations. Even Chen Songlin had managed to give them slip just as they were closing in on him. ❍ 双泉村的施乃才,看到本屯新移来了十二户农民,就~阻碍他们建立互助组,企图拉拢他们组织假互助组。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》189)Shi Naicai in Shuangquan resorted to every device to prevent 12 households which had newly moved into the area from forming mutual-aid teams,and tried to get them to join a fake one. ❍ 母亲和婆婆着实劝着,~,总不肯吃。(《儒林外史》554) Though the old folk begged and implored her,and used all the wiles they could think of, she simply refused to eat. ❍ 她对各式各样的徽章感到很大的兴趣,尤其是一个新的纪念章——不管是中国的还是外国的——在上海初次出现的时候,她总是~地想法去弄来,别在胸前,有意走到熟人面前给他们看。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—507) She was intensely interested in badges of all kinds and when a new commemorative badge,whether Chinese or foreign,made its first appearance in Shanghai,she would try every means in her power to obtain one and then she would pin it on her chest and parade in front of her acquaintances wearing it. 千方百计try in a thousand and one ways;by every possible means;by hook or by crook;by fair means or foul;do everything possible to;leave no stone unturned 代表团将~地寻求公平的协议。The delegation will leave no stone unturned in its search for an equitable agreement./~地进行破坏sabotage by every possible means(or by hook or by crook) 千方百计qiān fānɡ bǎi jì形容想尽一切方法,用尽一切计策。in a thousand and one ways, by all sorts of means, put out all stops, in a hundred and one ways, leave no stone tomorrow, do all in one’s power to |