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单词 哀而不伤

哀而不伤悲而不伤āi ér bù shāng

〔of a piece of writing〕 be deeply felt but not sentimental;〔of a person〕 be mournful but not distressed; grief without being hurtfully excessive; be tragic yet restrained/《关雎》乐而不淫, ~。 (《论语·八佾》) The Guan Ju is expressive of enjoyment without being licentious,and of grief without being hurtfully excessive.
❍ 及其序屈原贾谊,辞旨抑扬,悲而不伤,亦近代之伟才。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》27) His accounts of Qu Yuan and Jia Yi are passionate,tragic yet restrained—he was certainly one of the greatest men of genius in recent ages.

哀而不伤ai er bu shang

grieve with restraint; restrained behavior

哀而不伤āi ér bù shānɡ

形容诗歌等优美雅致,感情适中。也可比喻做事适度,没有做过头。mournful, but not distressing; grief, but not sorrow; be deeply felt but not sentimental, be tragic but restrained





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