贿(賄)huì [书] ❶ (财物) goods;wealth;valuables ❷ (贿赂) bribe: 受 ~ accept [take] bribes; 行 ~ practise bribery;bribe ◆贿赂 bribe;bribery; 贿赂成风 Bribery has become a common practice.; 贿赂公行 practise bribery or receive bribes publicly;commit briberies undisguisedly;give and take bribes openly; 贿买 buy over;suborn;buy votes or office oppointment with money; 贿上买下 bribe men high and low;send bribes to the upper and lower (officials); 贿托 ask sb. to do sth. for a consideration; 贿选 practise bribery at an election;get elected by bribery |