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单词 咄咄怪事

咄咄怪事duō duō guài shì

an absurd and strange thing; a stange happening; monstrous absurdity; the devil rides on a fiddlestick; a ridiculous thing; what a strange business (/situation/thing/wonder)
❍ 这些~,难道还能继续下去吗?不能了。Could such absurd and strange things be allowed to go on? Certainly not.
❍ 扬州吏民寻义逐之窃视,唯作“~”四字而已。(刘义庆《世说新语·黜免》) Followed him about secretly and observed him,discovering that he was writing only the four characters,duo duo guai ski: “Tut!tut! What a strange business!” and nothing else.

咄咄怪事duō duō ɡuài shì

咄咄:表示惊奇。形容不合常理,使人难以理解的怪事。monstrous absurdity, indeed out of the ordinary, a strange happening, a ridiculous thing, outside the pale, What a wonder!





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