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单词 化干戈为玉帛

化干戈为玉帛huà gān gē wéi yù bó

beat (/turn)swords into ploughshares—put an end to war and have peace; turn hostility into friendship; bury the hatchet
❍ 袁宫保派兄弟来的使命,是想劝都督~,免得生灵涂炭。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—280) It is with the hope of persuading Your Excellency to discard war for peace thereby delivering millions of common people from death and ruin that I was sent here by Marshal Yuan.
❍ 三五十口子打手,经调人东说西说,便都喝碗茶,吃碗烂肉面(大茶馆特殊的食品,价钱便宜,作起来快当),就可以~了。(老舍《茶馆》5) Between 30to 50 toughs from both sides,reconciled through the good offices of a mediator,would gather here to drink tea and consume bowls of noodles with minced pork(a speciality of large teahouses,cheap and easy to prepare),and peace would once more have been restored in the land.

化干戈为玉帛hua gan ge wei yu bo

turn hostility into friendship


bury the hatchet;turn hostility into friendship

化干戈为玉帛huà ɡān ɡē wéi yù bó

干戈:指古代兵器;玉帛:玉器和丝织品。比喻把战争或敌对状态变为和平或友谊。turn hostility into friendship, bury the hatchet, put an end to war and have peace





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