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单词 呼天抢地

呼天抢地呼天号地;呼天唤地hū tiān qiǎng dì

lament to heaven and knock one’s head on earth-utter cries of anguish; wail bitterly
❍ 他第二天一早就派苏帐房去探听,回来说汤富海在屋子里呼天唤地叫痛,他放心了。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—37) The first thing next morning he sent his bailiff to make inquiries and when the bailiff returned and told him that Tang Fuhai was houling with pain in his house he felt relieved./……匡超人~,一面安排装殓。(《儒林外史》210) …and Kuang Chaoren’s lamentations would have moved heaven and earth as he made ready for the funeral.
❍ 这时候大院里的笑声没有了,后院里闹腾起来,从上房传出一阵呼天号地的哀嚎。(石文驹《战地红缨》9)By now,the front-courtyard had become hushed,while the one in the rear was in an uproar. Sudden shrill cries rose from one of the accountant’s rooms.
❍ 萧云仙~,尽哀尽礼,治办丧事,十分尽心。(《儒林外史》393) Xiao wailed bitterly,and prepared for the burial with full observance of the funeral rites.
❍ 老鸦窝象开了锅,一片哭叫声,叫儿喊娘的,~的乱成一片。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》34) Ravens Nest was like a seething cauldron. Yells,wails and lamentations rent the air,as people stumbled after their arrested dear ones.

呼天抢地hū tiān qiǎnɡ di

大声叫天,用头撞地。抢地:以头撞地。形容十分悲痛。utter cries of anguish, call on heaven and earth





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