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单词 呆头呆脑

呆头呆脑傻头傻脑dāi tóu dāi nǎo

a fool;a simpleton; beetleheaded; dotty; idiotic; dull looking; look very foolish (/stupid); lumpish;muddle-headed; sodden; stolid; thick-headed
❍ 姓杨的杨老头来讨帐,住在庙里,~,口里说甚么天文地理,经纶匡济的混话。(《儒林外史》153) This Mr Yang,who put up in the temple,was a complete lunatic,gabbling all the time about astronomy,geography and the arts of government.
❍ 至于宝玉,~,不避嫌疑是有的。(《红楼梦》 1176) As for Baoyu,he's such a simpleton he may get himself talked about sometimes.
❍ 你本来~的,再添上这个,越发弄成个呆子了!(《红楼梦》600) You were always a bit weak in the head,and now this has crazed you completely.
❍ 孩子长大,不但失掉天真,还变得~,是我们时时看见的。(鲁迅《准风月谈》63) When the children grow up,they not only lose their innocence but become dull and stupid too,as we see so often.
❍ 看客们也就~的走散。(鲁迅 《伪自由书》 75)The spectators scatter too,looking very foolish.

呆头呆脑dāi tóu dāi nǎo

比喻言行迟钝。dull looking,stupid-looking, dotty, beetle headed, idiotic, lumpish, thick-headed, muddle-headed





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