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单词 吹毛求疵

吹毛求疵chuī máo qiú cī

be critical about; blow at hair to look for a mote; captious; carp and cavil;censorious; crab;cut sth (sb) up; fastidious;faultfinding; find fault with; find quarrel in a straw;fuddy-duddy; hypercritical; nibble; particular;pernickety; pick holes (/flaws) in sth; pick sth to pieces; picksome
❍ 但是,对其他同志的要求,除开原则问题和重大的政治问题以外,就不要过分严格,不要在“小节”上去“~”。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》76) But as for making demands on other comrades,apart from matters of principle and major political questions,we should not be too severe or faultfinding over “tri fles”./一心只想参了他的功名,却寻不出他的短处来,便要~,也无处可求;若是轻轻放过,却又咽不下这口恶气。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》154) Naturally he was greatly irritated and would have liked to dismiss Boshu if he could. Unfortunately he could not find any fault with the man,but he could hardly excuse the gratuitous insult.


finding fault;picking holes;nitpick


find fault with;pick holes in; blow upon the hair trying to discover a flaw;nitpicking;hairsplitting

吹毛求疵chuī máo qiú cī

疵:小毛病。比喻故意找别人的缺点、错误。find fault intentionally, carp and cavil, fastidious, find fault with, nibble, pick holes in sth., captions, find quarrel in a straw, shoot sth. full of holes, crab





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