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单词 听其自然

听其自然tīng qí zì rán

leave it (/things) to chance; leave sb to his own devices (/resources);leave sth as it is; let it go at that; let it have its swing; give full (/free) swing to it;let matters run (/take) their (own) course; let matters slide;let things take their natural course; let things rip (/run their course); trust to events
❍ 王玉辉也不懊悔,~,每日在牛公庵看书。(《儒林外史》557) Wang was not unduly disappointed,however but let it go at that and spent each day in the temple reading.
❍ 几个读书人在书房里商量出来的方案,固然大抵行不通,但一切都~,却也不是好办法。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—91) Of course,plans worked out by a few scholars in their studies are usually impracticable,but it is no good either just to let things drift and take their natural course.
❍ 但是,如果无效,那也只好直抄徐(即世昌)大总统的哲学: ~。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》107) But if my apology is not accepted,I can only imitate President Xu Shichang’s philosophy: let things take their natural course.

听其自然tīnɡ qí zì rán

听:任凭。顺其自然。表示对他人的行动不干涉、不过问。let matters slide, let things rip, take the world as it is, let it have it’s swing, let things slide





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