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单词 lay
lay/leɪ/ vlaid,laid/leɪd/]

(1)放置(倒);铺设(put sb/sth in a particular placeon a surfaceetc;cause to lie)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+advC+n+adj]:~an underground pipeline/a new oil pipe/a cable 铺设一条地下管道/新的石油管道/电缆;~the table 在桌上摆好餐具;~a trap 设置陷阱;~bricks 砌砖;~a good foundation 打好基础;~a book/a glass/a slip of paper on the desk 把书/杯子/纸条放在书桌上;~one's cards on the table 摊牌;~one's eyes on ... 看见(发现)……;~violent hands on sb 对某人下毒手;~a blanket over a sleeping child 把毯子盖在睡着的孩子身上;~one's book/one's toys aside 把书/玩具放在一边;She laid herself down gently. 她轻轻地躺下来。~down one's arms 放下武器;~down one's life 献出生命;The storm/tornado laid the crops (the houses) flat. 风暴/龙卷风使庄稼倒伏(房屋倒塌)。They laid the boards flat. 他们把木板铺平。〖同〗 place,put;

(2)涂,覆盖(spread;cover)[T+nT+n+prep(on/over/with)]:~the paint evenly 均匀地涂油漆;~plaster on the wall 在墙上涂灰泥;~straw over the yard 把稻草铺在院子里;~a carpet on the floor/the floor with a carpet 在地板上铺地毯;

(3)使处于某种状态(cause sb or sth to be in a certain state)[T+nT+n+prep](fml):The failure of his crops laid him in debt. 庄稼歉收使他负债。~sb's doubts at/to rest 消除某人的疑虑;The city was laid in ashes. 全城化为灰烬。~sb under an obligation to do sth 使某人承担做某事的义务;~one's heart bare 流露真情;

(4)使落下(cause to settle)[T+n]:The shower has laid the dust. 一阵雨使灰尘落地。think carefully before~ing pen to paper 落笔前仔细斟酌;

(5)生蛋(produce eggs)[IT+n]:My hens are~ing well. 我的母鸡产蛋很多。A turtle~s many eggs at once. 海龟一次生很多的蛋。A black hens a white egg.(prov)丑妇生俊儿。

(6)打赌(put down as a bet)[T+nT+n+prep(on),D+n+n pass]:~thirty dollars on a horse 在一匹马身上赌30美元; I'll~you ten dollars that he wins. 我看他能赢,我愿拿10美元和你打赌。〖同〗 bet;

lay about (v prep) 1)向四面八方乱打(vt):He laid about him with a stick,to defend himself from three attackers. 他用棍子乱打,不让三名攻击者近身。2)痛打(斥)(vt)(=lay into):The two men laid about/into him with hands and boots. 那两个人对他拳打脚踢。I let him have his say,and then I laid into him. 我让他说完,然后痛斥他。

lay aside (v adv)(fml) 1)放在一边(vt):~one's book aside 把书放在一边;2)放弃(vt):~a plan aside with disappointment 失望地放弃一项计划;3)留出备用(=lay by)(vt):~aside one hour a day for reading 每天留出一小时时间读书;I have a little money laid aside for a rainy day. 我积蓄了一些钱以备不时之需。

lay down (v adv) 1)(开始)建造(vt):~down a new warship/a railway建造新的战舰/一条铁路;2)放弃(vt)(fml):~down one's power/one's office/one's duties 放弃权力/放弃职务/中止义务;3)规(制)定(vt):Follow the procedure laid down in the booklet. 按照小册子规定的程序操作。

lay in (v adv)储备(vt):~in plenty of food/coal/provisions for the winter 为过冬储备大量的食品/煤/食物;

lay off (v adv) 1)解雇(vt):The car factory was to~people off again. 汽车厂又要解雇工人了。2)停止,不再做……(vi & vt):~off for a rest 停工休息;Why don't you~off smoking for a while until your cough gets better? 你为什么不等咳嗽好些再吸烟呢?

lay on (v adv) 1)安装,涂上(油漆)(vt):~on water and gas 安装自来水和煤气;They laid on two coats of paint. 他们涂了两层油漆。2)准备,安排(vt):~on a party/a trip 准备一次晚会/旅行;Operas were laid on for the delegates. 为代表们安排了歌剧演出。

lay out (v adv) 1)打昏(vt):The blow laid him out. 一拳就把他打昏了。2)规划,设计(vt 常 pass):The gardens were beautifully laid out. 花园设计得很美。3)花(钱)(vt)(infml):How much did you have to~out for your new car? 你买新车花了多少钱?4)展(摊)开(vt):~out the beautiful jewellery in the shop window 把漂亮的珠宝陈列在橱窗里;

lay over (v adv)(AmE)(中途)停留(vi):~over in St. Louis for two hours waiting for a plane for Seattle 在圣路易斯停留两小时等待飞往西雅图的飞机;

lay oneself out 尽最大的努力:She laid herself out to give her guests an enjoyable holiday. 她尽最大努力使客人们度过一个愉快的假日。

lay up (v adv) 1)使病倒(vt 通常pass):He has been laid up with the flu. 他患流感,病倒了。2)贮藏(vt):They have laid up large supplies of food. 他们贮藏了大量食品。3)搁置:Bill had to~up his boat when school started. 开学了,比尔只得把船闲置在船坞。

→′layaway n 预约购货法;′lay-off n 解雇;′layout n 设计,布局,安排;′lay-over n 中途短暂停留;

【注意】lay是及物动词,意为放置。lay也是不及物动词lie(lay,lain,lying)的过去时,lie意为躺着。另一个不及物动词lie(lied,lied,lying) 意为说谎。

【辨异】putplacelayset表示将某物放在某地或使之处于某种姿势。put是通用词,如:to put the dishes on the table(把盘子摆放在桌子上);to put one's hands up(举起手来)。place较正式,并且暗指准确的动作和确切的位置,如:He placed his hand on the Bible.(他把手放在《圣经》上。)lay原指使躺倒,set原指使坐,这两个词特别强调物体放置的姿势。lay通常暗指把一物体小心地水平放置,如:They laid the injured boy on the grass.(他们把受伤的男孩平放在草地上)。set通常指直立放置,如:to set a post in the ground(在地上立根标杆)。





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