释义 |
土豪劣绅tǔ háo liè shēnlocal bullies (/despots/tyrants) and evil gentry ❍ 我们山东也搞起来,张司令和我就在这一带领导农民打~。(知侠《铁道游击队》193)We did the same in Shandong. Commander Zhang and I led the local peasants to smash the despots and corrupt gentry in this area. ❍ 他们打倒的是~,为害地方的蟊贼。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》376) What they are overthrowing is local bullies and evil landowners,the vermin that are a plague to the district. ❍ 有时候是审判工贼、大~,有时候是总工会的负责人给工人讲话,宣传党的政策。(陶承《我的一家》10) Labour scabs,local despots and vicious landed gentry were brought to trial there,and the place was also used for talks by the leaders of the General Labour Union who ex plained the Party’s policies. 土豪劣绅tu hao lie shenlocal tyrants and evil gentry 土豪劣绅local tyrants (or despots) and evil gentry;despotic landlords 土豪劣绅tǔ háo liè shēn土豪:多指仗势欺人的地主;劣绅:指地方上的恶霸或退职的品行恶劣的官僚。泛指作恶多端的恶霸、地主等恶势力。local tyrants and evil gentry, despotic landlords, local despots and bad gentry |