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单词 吐故纳新

吐故纳新tǔ gù nà xīn

exhale the old and inhale the new; get rid of the stale and take in the fresh;Taoist art of controlled breathing and swallowing of saliva toward achieving long life
❍ 一个无产阶级的党也要~,才能朝气蓬勃。A proletarian party must also get rid of the stale and take in the fresh,for only thus can it be full of vitality.

吐故纳新tu gu na xin

get rid of the stale and take in the fresh


get rid of the stale and take in the fresh;exhale the old and inhale the new
一个政党要~,才能保持活力。A political party can sustain its vitality only by getting rid of the stale elements and taking in the fresh.

吐故纳新tǔ ɡù nà xīn

原指人体呼吸,吐出二氧化碳,吸进新鲜空气。现多用以比喻扬弃那些不好的东西,吸收新的、好的东西。get rid of the state and take in the fresh, exhale the old and take in the new





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