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单词 fade
释义 fade /feid; fed/ vt, vi(away), 1 [VP6A, 2A, C] (cause to) lose colour, freshness or vigour: (E)K色; (使)凋落; (使)衰弱; 凋谢: The strong sunlight had ~d the curtains. 强烈的阳光使窗帘褪了色。 Flowers soon ~ when cut. 花折下不久就会凋谢。 Will the colour in this material ~? 这字会褪色吗? She is fading away, losing strength. 她渐渐衰弱了。 2 [VP2A, C] go slowly out of view, hearing or the memory: 自视界、听界或记忆中渐渐消失: Daylight ~d away. 白昼渐祢消失了。 As evening came the coastline ~d into darkness. 夜晚降临时,海岸线消失在黑暗中。 The sound of the cheering ~d away in the distance. 欢呼的声音在远处逐渐消失了。 His hopes ~d. 他的希望逐渐消逝了。 All memory of her childhood ~d from her mind. 所有她童年的记忆渐潮自她脑海中消逝了。 3 [VP15B, 2C, 3A] (cinema, broadcasting) (cause to) decrease or increase in strength: (U影、广播)(使)瀬弱; (使)渐强; (使)淡出; (使)淡入; (使)渐隐; (使)渐显: ~ one scene into another (on a cinema screen); (银幕上)使一画面渐渐隐暗而融入另一书面中; ~ a conversation out/in, (in broadcasting) gradually reduce/increase the volume of sound to inaudibility/audibility. (广播) 使一音量潮弱(强)。




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