释义 |
同舟共济tóng zhōu gòng jìcross a river in the same boat—pull together in time of trouble; pull together to tide over difficulties; share each other’s trouble; stick together in all weathers; through thick and thin ❍ 那个旅长说:“如刘军长有~的精神,率领他的五个半旅尾刘子奇向我们靠拢,则万无一失。……”(杜鹏程 《保卫延安》475) “If General Liu Kan only realized that we’re in the same boat and also rushed up here with his five and a half brigades,nothing would be lost,” said the brigadier. ❍ 通常在林海里人与人相遇,和在远航中~一样,为什么他竟这样势不两立?(曲波《林海雪原》405) Usually when woodsmen run into each other in the trackless forest,they’re as cordial as sailors whose boats meet in the middle of the sea.What makes him so hostile? 同舟共济tong zhou gong jicross a river in the same boat—pull together in times of trouble 同舟共济be in the same boat;pull together in times of trouble;help each other out ~,在古籍中最早见于《孙子兵法》,《孙子兵法》讲,夫吴人与越人相恶也,当其同舟而济,遇风,其相救也如左右手。People should stick together in a boat. The idea originates from Sun-tzu’The Art of War.According to the book,the people of the state of Wu and the state of Yue were not on good terms with each other.However,when crossing a river in the same boat,they encountered strong winds,and they assisted each other like left and right hands./各国唯有~,才能战胜困难。All countries can overcome their difficulties only by recognizing(or realizing) that they are all in the same boat. 同舟共济tónɡ zhōu ɡònɡ jì济:渡水。大家同坐一条船过河。比喻面对困难和危险,大家同心协力,战胜困难。people in the same boat help each other, stick together in all weathers, sail on the same tack, hang together |