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单词 attend
释义 attend /a'tend; s'tea6/ vi, vt 1 [VP3A, 2A] ~ (to), give care and thought (to): 在意; 用心; 照顾: ~ to one's work; 用心从事自己的工作; ~ to what sb is saying, listen carefully; 注意听某人的说话; ~ to the wants of customers, try to supply them. 照应顾客的需要; 照顾生意。 Are you being ~ed to? (in a shop) Is anyone serving you? (在商店中) 有店员照应你吗? You're not ~ , not listening, not paying attention. 你没有在注意听。 2 [VP6A, 3A] ~ (on/, upon), wait on; serve; look after: 侍候; 看护; 照料: Which doctor is ~ing you, giving you medical care? 哪一个医生为你看病? The patient has three nurses ~ing (on) him. 那病人有三位护士看护他。 She has many servants ~ing upon her. 她有许多仆人侍候她。 He had the honour of ~ing upon the Prince. 他有幸能侍候王子。 3 [VP6A] go to; be present at: 到场; 出席; 参加; 上 (学): ~ school/church; 上学 (教堂); ~ a meeting/lecture. 出席会议 (听演讲) 。 The lectures were well ~ed, there were good audiences. 该项演讲听的人很多。 4 [VP6A] (formal) accompany: (正式用语) 伴随: a method that is ~ed by some risk. 带有相当冒险性的方法。 Our plans were ~ed with great difficulties. 我们的计划遇到很大的困难。 May good luck ~ you! (formal) May you have good luck!. (正式用语) 祝君幸运!




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