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单词 同生共死

同生共死同生同死tóng shēng gòng sǐ

live and die together; live and die with sb; share joys and sorrows
❍ 只因他虽和黛玉一处长大,情投意合,又愿同生同死,却只心中领会,从来未曾当面说出。(《红楼梦》830) Though he and Daiyu had grown up side by side and were kindred spirits who longed to live and die together,this was simply tacitly understood by both but had never been put into words.
❍ 假使天下有这样一个人,又与我同生同死,小弟也不得这样多愁善病!(《儒林外史》354) If I could live and die with such a man,I would not be grieving and pining away like this!/两个人共同战斗,~,使他感到一阵深深的安慰和幸福。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》207) There was great solace and comfort in the thought that they were fighting together and sharing joy and sorrow.
❍ 刘思扬眼前,出现了渣滓洞那些不能再见的,曾经朝夕相处、~的同志们的眼睛…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》373) One by one,the faces of the prisoners at Zhazidong rose before him. Maybe he would never again see the comrades,with whom he had shared life and death.





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