n. acceptance接受。
△H.V.5.2.81: “we willsuddenly / Pass our accept and peremptory answer.”我们会很快提出我们接受的意见和明确的答复。
◇accept a brief on behalf of为…辩护…委托的案件
accept and hear a case接受
accept an invitation接受邀请
accept an invitation to dinner吃请
accept an offer of employment应聘
accept bribes受贿
accept criticism with接受批评
accept one’s terms and conditions接受交易条件
accept sb.’s bid接受某人投标
accept the face of偏爱,偏袒
accept to pay承兑
accept your suggestion接受你方建议
‖ accept a bill of exchange承兑汇票
accept a claim接受索赔
accept a commission接受委托
accept a complaint受理控诉
accept a draft 承兑汇票
accept a draft on presentation承兑提示汇票
accept a judgment服从判决
accept a note承兑票据
accept a quo。tation接受报价
accept a risk接受保险
accept an offer接受报盘
accept an order接受订单
accept as a pledge接受担保
accept bail准许保释
accept battle应战
accept bill of exchange承兑汇票
accept combat 应战
accept delivery 接受交货
accept document收文
accept for honour参加承兑
accept insurance承保
accept membership接受成员国资格
accept money deposits吸收存款
accept on presentation见汇票即承兑
accept or keep as a souvenir留念
accept order接价盘
accept or reject取舍
accept persons徇私
accepted adj.公认的
accepted accounting principle公认会计原则
accepted bill承兑汇票,已承兑票据
accepted bill of advice 承兑通知书
accepted bond已承付债券
accepted business已承兑业务
accepted check保付支票
accepted draft已承付汇票
accepted gambit吃弃兵局
accepted letter of credit已承兑信用证
accepted pairing认可式对比法
accepted products合格产品
generally accepted 公认的
universal accepted 公认
accepting at sacrifice 亏本接受订单
accepting bank承兑银行
accepting charge承兑费用
accepting country (state)接受国
accepting house承兑银行,承兑公司
accepting houses committee承兑行委员会
accepting station接受站
acceptability n.可承兑性,可接受性
acceptability condition承受条件
acceptability of taxes税收的可接受性
acceptability of test测试的可接受性
acceptability theory of truth真理可接受性 理 论
acceptable adj. 可 接 受的
acceptable accounting principle可接受的会计原理
acceptable error可接受误差
acceptable explosives 合 格 炸药
acceptable form of reciprocity合理的互惠条件
acceptable malfunction rate允许故障率
acceptable miss distance允许脱靶距离
acceptable price可接受价格
acceptable principle公认的原则
acceptable product合格产品
acceptable quality合格质量
acceptable quality level验收质量标准
acceptable risk可承担的风险
acceptable tax evasion可接受避税
acceptable value 认可的价值
acceptable word method 可用单词法
acceptably adv. acceptor n.承兑人,被报价人,承诺人,受理人
◇ acceptor by intervention 参加承兑人
acceptor for honour拒付票据承兑人
acceptance n.接受,承诺,容忍,赞同,相信总统候选人接受政党提名时所作的演讲
◇acceptance objected to反对此选票获接纳,选票获接纳遭反对
acceptance of appointment应聘
acceptance of bribes受贿
acceptance of delivery接受捐赠
acceptance of office as a member接受议员席位
acceptance of persons 偏袒
acceptance of protest接受抗诉
acceptance of punishment接受处罚
acceptance of risk承担风险
acceptance of service接受传票
acceptance under reserve附保留接受
absolute acceptance 无条件承兑
acceptance account 票据承兑账目
acceptance advice承兑通知
acceptance against documents据单承兑
acceptance against export collection 出口托收承兑
acceptance and guarantee 接受承付
acceptance and settlement of import bills进口票据的承受与清算
acceptance bank票据承兑银行
acceptance bill承兑票据,承兑汇 票
acceptance book 票 据 登 记簿
acceptance bought outright为保存而购买的已承兑汇票
acceptance bought under repurchase agreement按购回协议而购买的已承兑汇票
acceptance business票据承兑业务
acceptance by intervention参加承兑
acceptance by other offices其他营业网点承兑票据
acceptance certificate验收合格证
acceptance charge承兑费
acceptance check验收
acceptance check of completed project竣工验收
acceptance clause 接受条款
acceptance coefficient合格系数
acceptance commission承兑手续费
acceptance condition合格条件
acceptance constraint可接受的 约 束
acceptance contract 承兑合同
acceptance corporation 英国的债券承兑公司
acceptance council 承兑 票 据 联盟
acceptance credit承兑信用(证)/acceptance criterion 录取标准
acceptance cut off point录取分数线
acceptance dealer承兑汇票经纪商
acceptance declaration 申 报承兑
acceptance draft承兑汇票
acceptance fee 承兑费
acceptance flight 验收试飞
acceptance for carriage承运
acceptance for honor担保承兑
acceptance formula clause接受公式条款
acceptance house承付所,票据承兑行,承兑行
acceptance in blank空白承兑
acceptance inspection验收
acceptance insurance slip承保人开的收据
acceptance ledger 承兑票据分类账
acceptance letter of credit 承兑信用证
acceptance liability 承兑责任
acceptance line最高承兑限额
acceptance market承兑市 场
acceptance maturity 承 兑 到期
acceptance notice录取通知
acceptance of a bill of exchange承兑汇票
acceptance of a consignment承运一批货物
acceptance of a drift承兑汇票
acceptance of advantages and entertainment接受利益及款待
acceptance of a judgement接受判决
acceptance of abandonment接受委付
acceptance of an order at below cost prices接受低于成本的订货(单)/acceptance of appointment应聘(书)/acceptance of a value 价 值 的 接受
acceptance of batch大批承兑
acceptance of bid 中标
acceptance of bill承兑票据
acceptance of bill of exchange票据承付
acceptance of bonds 认 付 债券
acceptance of bribes受贿罪
acceptance of deposits接受存款
acceptance of free service接受免费服务
acceptance of goods成交,认购货物,承运货物
acceptance of intervention参加承兑
acceptance of offer接受报价
acceptance of office as a member接受议员席位
acceptance of proposal同意承保
acceptance of risk接受保险
acceptance of security担保承兑
acceptance of succession接受继承
acceptance of the bid中标
acceptance of the bridle受衔
acceptance of wagons接受货车
acceptance of works工程验收,加工验收
acceptance paper录取通知书
acceptance payable应付承兑汇票,应付承兑票据
acceptance procedures录取手续
acceptance qualified as to place对付款地点有限制的承兑
acceptance qualified as to time对付款时间有限制的承兑
acceptance rate票据贴现率,接受率
acceptance receivable应收承兑票据
acceptance register验收登记簿
acceptance sampling by attribute定性抽样验收
acceptance sampling by variable定量抽样验收
acceptance sampling验收抽样
acceptance simpliciter无限制接受
acceptance speech 接受提名演说
acceptance standard验收标准
acceptance supra protest承兑拒付汇票
acceptance test验收测试
acceptance trials试航
acceptance type financing承兑型资金融通
bank acceptance银行承兑
blank acceptance不记名承兑票据
clean acceptance单纯承兑
imperfect acceptance 不 完 全 接受
obtain acceptance得到承兑
uncovered acceptance无担保承兑票据
upon acceptance根据承兑条件