释义 |
同归于尽tóng guī yú jìnbe doomed to the same fate; be ruined together;die (/perish) together;end up in common ruin; get killed at one and the same time ❍ 一九三二年八月一日晨五时半,素园终于病殒在北平同仁医院里了。一切计划,一切希望,也~。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文·忆素园君》52) At half past five on the morning of August 1,1932,Suyuan died in the Tongren Hospital in Beijing,and all his plans and hopes came to nothing. ❍ 此等现象,不速制止,势将~,抗战胜利云乎哉? (《毛泽东选集》682) If such incidents are not immediately prohibited; both sides will be doomed,and what hope will there be then of victory over Japan?/无法脱逃的时候,日本军人就放火烧,让我们这几个人证与船~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》289)The Japanese soldiers would have set light to it and destroyed the boat and us along with it. ❍ 麻醉性的作品,是将与麻醉者和被麻醉者~的。(鲁迅《南腔北调集·小品文的危机》 137) Works which are opiates will perish along with those who administer or take narcotics. ❍ 焉知胜利者不会遭到和城市~的命运?(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》575) Who knows,maybe the victors will perish together with the city. 同归于尽perish together;end up in common ruin;die together 同归于尽tónɡ ɡuī yú jìn归于:走向;尽:完。指共同毁灭或一起死亡。end up in ruin together, doomed to the same fate, die with, perish together with |