释义 |
中国书画zhōnɡ ɡuó shū huàChinese Painting & Calligraphy鞍马山水 [ān mǎ shān shuǐ] landscape with horses 八分书 [bā fēn shū] style of script, balanced right and left of Han dynasty 白描 [bái miáo] underdrawing; outline drawing 版画 [bǎn huà] woodcut 半行半草 [bàn xínɡ bàn cǎo] midway between running and cursive script 碑帖 [bēi tiē] rubbing from a tablet; book of stone rubbings 笔法 [bǐ fǎ] brush/calligraphic/writing style 壁画 [bì huà] fresco painting 匾额 [biǎn é] horizontal tablet over door wall; inscribed hall name 布裱 [bù biǎo] cloth mounting 擦法 [cā fǎ] rubbing method 彩墨画 [cǎi mò huà] ink and colour painting 藏画 [cánɡ huà] painting collection 草书 [cǎo shū] grass/cursive script 侧锋 [cè fēnɡ] the brush-side technique 册页 [cè yè] album of painting/calligraphy 创意山水 [chuànɡ yì shān shuǐ] creative landscape 瓷画 [cí huà] encaustic 皴法 [cūn fǎ] texturing methord 大篆 [dà zhuàn] large seal script 大字 [dà zì] big Chinese character 蛋壳画 [dàn ké huà] eggshell art 稻草画 [dào cǎo huà] straw painting 道释人物画 [dào shì rén wù huà] Taoist-Buddhist figure painting 道释山水 [dào shì shān shuǐ] Taoist-Buddhist landscape 点 [diǎn] dot; point 点垛法 [diǎn duǒ fǎ] non-outlining style 董其昌派 [dǒnɡ qí chānɡ pài] Dong Qichang school 抖笔 [dǒu bǐ] curlicue; curlycue 斗方 [dǒu fānɡ] square scroll 对称 [duì chèn] symmetry 对联 [duì lián] couplet 顿挫 [dùn cuò] break 方块字 [fānɡ kuài zì] character 粉蜡笔画 [fěn là bǐ huà] pastel drawing 风景画 [fēnɡ jǐnɡ huà] landscape painting/picture 风俗故事人物画 [fēnɡ sú ɡù shì rén wù huà] folk representational painting 讽刺画 [fěnɡ cì huà] caricature 钢笔画 [ɡānɡ bǐ huà] pen painting/drawing 工笔 [ɡōnɡ bǐ] elaborate style; fine brushwork 工笔画 [ɡōnɡ bǐ huà] painting in elaborate style 宫廷画 [ɡōnɡ tínɡ huà] imperial academy painting 勾 [ɡōu] stroke with a hook 勾勒法 [ɡōu lè fǎ] contour style 构图 [ɡòu tú] compositional sketch 古典画 [ɡǔ diǎn huà] classical painting 古画 [ɡǔ huà] old/ancient painting 古迹壁画 [ɡǔ jī bì huà] graffiti (pl. graffito) 古体文 [ɡǔ tǐ wén] palaeography 国画 [ɡuó huà] (traditional) Chinese painting 国画技巧 [ɡuó huà jì qiǎo] technique in the traditional Chinese painting 汉字 [hàn zì] Chinese character 横 [hénɡ] horizontal line/bar/stroke 横轴 [hénɡ zhóu] horizontal scroll 花卉画 [huā huì huà] flower-and-plant painting 花鸟钩花点叶派 [huā niǎo ɡōu huā diǎn yè pài] contoured flower & nonoutlined leaf school 花鸟钩勒派 [huā niǎo ɡōu lè pài] outlined painting of flower & bird school 花鸟画 [huā niǎo huà] flower-and-bird painting 花鸟临古 [huā niǎo lín ɡǔ] classical flower & bird painting 花鸟无骨派 [huā niǎo wú ɡǔ pài] Non-outlined painting of flower & bird school 花鸟写生 [huā niǎo xiě shēnɡ] naturalistic flower & bird painting 花鸟写意 [huā niǎo xiě yì] impressionistic flower & bird painting 花鸟杂画 [huā niǎo zá huà] flower & bird painting 花绫装裱 [huā línɡ zhuānɡ biǎo] glossy damask mounting 华亭山水派 [huá tínɡ shān shuǐ pài] Hua-ting landscape school 画 [huà] picture; painting 画笔 [huà bǐ] (painting) brush 画稿 [huà ɡǎo] preliminary sketch to be painted over 画题 [huà tí] theme 挥毫 [huī háo] paint with a brush 积墨 [jī mò] layers of ink 即兴 [jí xìnɡ] improvisation 甲骨文 [jiǎ ɡǔ wén] carapace-bone-script; inscriptions on tortoise shells 江西山水派 [jiānɡ xī shān shuǐ pài] Jiang Xi landscape school 金碧山水 [jīn bì shān shuǐ] gold-and-green landscape 金文 [jīn wén] bronze script 镜画 [jìnɡ huà] mirror drawing 卷轴 [juàn zhóu] (roller for) scroll 均衡 [jūn hénɡ] balance 楷书 [kǎi shū] regular/standard script 蝌蚪体 [kē dǒu tǐ] kedou/tadpole script 狂书 [kuánɡ shū] wild script 蜡笔画 [là bǐ huà] crayon drawing 蜡染画 [là rǎn huà] batik 擂墨 [léi mò] rolled ink 历史风俗人物画 [lì shǐ fēnɡ sú rén wù huà] historical figure painting 立轴 [lì zhóu] vertical scroll 隶书 [lì shū] clerical script; script in square style; official style 临摹 [lín mó] imitate 绫裱 [línɡ biǎo] warped silk mounting 灵感 [línɡ ɡǎn] inspiration 岭南画派 [lǐnɡ nán huà pài] Lingnan school 轮廓 [lún kuò] outline sketch 裸体画 [luǒ tǐ huà] nudity 落笔 [luò bǐ] put brush/pen to paper 毛笔画 [máo bǐ huà] brush drawing/painting 墨 [mò] ink (stick) 墨竹派 [mò zhú pài] ink bamboo school 木炭速写 [mù tàn sù xiě] charcoal sketching 捺 [nà] slanting downward stroke towards the right; right-falling stroke 年画 [nián huà] new year picture 撇 [piě] slanting stroke towards the left; left-falling stroke 泼墨 [pō mò] paint-splashing style (type of impressionistic painting) 铅笔画 [qiān bǐ huà] pencil drawing 禽兽杂画 [qín shòu zá huà] animal painting 青绿山水 [qīnɡ lǜ shān shuǐ] blue-and-green/verdant landscape 人物画 [rén wù huà] figure drawing/painting 人物写实 [rén wù xiě shí] realistic portrait 山水 [shān shuǐ] landscape(painting) 山水风景 [shān shuǐ fēnɡ jǐnɡ] landscape scenery 山水画 [shān shuǐ huà] landscape(painting) 扇画 [shàn huà] fan painting 扇面 [shàn miàn] fan leaf 上款 [shànɡ kuǎn] heading; inscription (to person) in a scroll 神话人物画 [shén huà rén wù huà] mythical figure painting 石版画 [shí bǎn huà] lithograph 石拓 [shí tà] stone rubbing 蚀刻画 [shí kè huà] etching 世态画 [shì tài huà] genre 仕女画 [shì nǚ huà] painting of beautiful women 手卷 [shǒu juǎn] (roller for) scroll 书法 [shū fǎ] calligraphy; penmanship 书法家 [shū fǎ jiā] calligrapher 署名 [shǔ mínɡ] sign/signature on scroll; tablet 竖 [shù] vertical bar/stroke 水彩画 [shuǐ cǎi huà] water color 水墨画 [shuǐ mò huà] wash drawing 水墨山水 [shuǐ mò shān shuǐ] (monochrome) ink landscape 水墨杂画 [shuǐ mò zá huà] monochrome ink painting 苏松山水派 [sū sōnɡ shān shuǐ pài] Su-Song landscape school 素描 [sù miáo] charcoal drawing 穗书 [suì shū] Sui script 提 [tí] slanting upward stroke towards the right; lifting (stroke) 题跋 [tí bá] postscript; remarks on scrolls of calligraphy/painting 题壁 [tí bì] writing lines/a poem on wall 题材 [tí cái] subject 题额 [tí é] inscription on top of tablet 题款 [tí kuǎn] [on a scroll] name of writer and the person it is dedicated to 题签 [tí qiān] book title written on book cover/outside a scroll 题诗 [tí shī] poem inscribed on a scroll 题署 [tí shǔ] sign/signature on scroll; tablet 题匾 [tí biǎn] inscription fronting a shop/hall 条幅 [tiáo fú] vertical scroll 贴裱画 [tiē biǎo huà] collage 图章 [tú zhānɡ] seal; stamp 拓片 [tà piàn] stone rubbing 文人画体 [wén rén huà tǐ] literati style 吴派山水 [wú pài shān shuǐ] landscape of Wu school 习字帖 [xí zì tiě] models for learning calligraphy; models of calligraphy 习作 [xí zuò] painting exercise 下款 [xià kuǎn] complimentary close; signature in a scroll 显字 [xiǎn zì] autograph; writing inscription or a few words; dedicatory script 象形字 [xiànɡ xínɡ zì] pictographic character 小篆 [xiǎo zhuàn] small seal script 肖像画 [xiào xiànɡ huà] portrait painting 楔形文字 [xiē xínɡ wén zì] hieroglyphic script/writing 写景山水 [xiě jǐnɡ shān shuǐ] naturalistic landscape 写生 [xiě shēnɡ] life drawing 写生画 [xiě shēnɡ huà] sketch 写意 [xiě yì] impressionistic style 写意画 [xiě yì huà] free sketch; painting in impressionistic style 新安山水派 [xīn ān shān shuǐ pài] Xinan landscape school 行书 [xínɡ shū] running/semi-cursive script 宣纸 [xuān zhǐ] Xuan paper (for painting/calligraphy) 砚 [yàn] stone ink-slab 虞山派山水 [yú shān pài shān shuǐ] landscape of the Yushan school 云间山水派 [yún jiān shān shuǐ pài] Yunjian landscape school 云书 [yún shū] Yun script 招牌 [zhāo pái] shop sign; sign-board 折 [zhé] stroke with a bend/twist 执笔 [zhí bǐ] hold the brush 指画 [zhǐ huà] finger painting (pictures delineated by fingers) 纸裱 [zhǐ biǎo] paper mounting 中锋 [zhōnɡ fēnɡ] the central brush-point technique 中堂 [zhōnɡ tánɡ] large size vertical scroll 篆刻 [zhuàn kè] carving in seal script 篆书 [zhuàn shū] seal characters/script 篆字 [zhuàn zì] seal characters/script 装裱 [zhuānɡ biǎo] mounting 自画像 [zì huà xiànɡ] self-portrait 字体 [zì tǐ] calligraphic style 醉书 [zuì shū] drunken script |