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(吉利;吉祥) lucky;auspicious;propitious: 逢凶化 ~ turn ill luck into good;
凶多 ~ 少 bode ill rather than well;be fraught with grim possibilities;
万事大 ~。 All is well.;Everything is fine. Ⅱ ❶ (吉林省的简称) short for Jilin Province
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 庆 Ji Qing
◆吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan;
吉卜赛人 Gypsy;
吉卜赛舞 gipsy dance;
吉布提 Djibouti;
吉利 lucky;auspicious;propitious;
吉林 Jilin (Province);
吉尼斯世界记录 the Guinness Book of Records;
吉普车 jeep;bantam;
吉期 [旧] wedding day;
吉庆 auspicious;propitious;happy;
吉人自有天相 God bless [helps] the good man.;Blessed are the good men.;God protects the good [the good men].;Heaven always provides for good people.;
吉日良辰 a lucky time and day — wedding day;
吉他 guitar;
吉祥 lucky;auspicious;propitious;
吉祥如意 Good luck and happiness to you!;be as lucky as desired;good fortune as one wishes;
吉谐卜凤 lucky harmony and choice of a good son-in-law;
吉星高照 bring sb. good luck and success in life;A lucky star shone upon (sb.);May a lucky star shine upon you!;The lucky star shines bright.;
吉凶 good or ill luck;
吉凶未卜 do not know whether it will turn out good or bad;fate unknown;No one can tell how it will turn out.;one's fate is in the balance;
吉兆 good omen;propitious sign

good luck





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